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Item #: SCP-713

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-713 is to be contained within a secure storage locker of appropriate size and other specifications, accessible only by Level 3 or higher personnel designated to be in communication with SCP-713.

Description: SCP-713 measures approximately 17cm by 17cm by 17cm. SCP-713's effect persists infinitely until removed, unless removed again. All attempts to remove SCP-713 by any means have been met with failure; after removal, all attempts to remove SCP-713 by any means have been met with failure.

SCP-713's anomalous effect only manifests in SCP-713 and is not detectable by optical detection, RFID, or any other type of electronic equipment, except in instances where SCP-713's anomalous effect is otherwise obvious and its anomalous properties are otherwise detectable.

On the twentieth emergence of the twentieth SCP-713 instance, within a thirty-second hour, SCP-713 will disappear from sight within any individual or group of individuals who can physically enter SCP-713 at any moment. After the twentieth SCP-713 instance is removed, it cannot be recovered. No object that could be recovered has yet been recovered.

Shortly after the twentieth SCP-713 instance is removed, all objects placed in SCP-713 have anomalous properties specified by a color coded shirt.

On the twenty-sixth emergence of the twentieth SCP-713 instance, SCP-713 will disappear from sight within any individual or group of individuals who can physically enter SCP-713.

When SCP-713 is removed, all objects placed in SCP-713 have been altered to match the color the shirt with matching SCP-713 tags.

Addendum: On ██/██/20██, Incident G-713-07 ("Anomalous Impact Incident") was reported to Site ██ security. Incident G-713-07 occurred when SCP-713 was discovered 3 hours after Incident G-713-07 and removed. During the course of the ensuing security breach, one of the shirts carried by the security team had been worn by one of the escapees. Immediately after the capture of the escapee, SCP-713 from containment was recovered, and the containment team was promptly taken into custody.

Similar incidents to Incident G-713-07 have been noted in ████, ██████, ██, ████, ████, ██, ████, ████, ████, ██, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ████, ██,███, and ████. Durability of SCP-713 is dependent on the individual wearing SCP-713.

Addendum: SCP-713 was recovered after ██/██/20██, SCP-713 instances within containment had disappeared, leaving only the instance outside containment. If SCP-713 does not exist in any clothing, the person wearing SCP-713 will be able to retrieve it just as they would pick it up. However, if SCP-713 is removed, SCP-713 will disappear from sight within its original location.

Addendum: Procedure 999-Alpha ("Black Fascination") is currently in effect.

Addendum: Procedure 999-Beta ("Black-and-White Concept") is currently in effect.

Addendum: Procedure 999-Alpha is ongoing.

Addendum: Procedure 999-Beta is currently in effect.


1. Please see Adolescent Reinforcer Therapy guidelines for information on this type of therapy.

2. Please see A Comprehensive Guide to the Identification of Unfamiliar or Unsuspected Forefront Contagious Behaviors of an Augmented Reality

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:22.095212
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