Item #: SCP-741
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-741-1 are to be contained on-site at Site-74, constructed of 8,000,000 cubic yards of solid wood. The rebaro of SCP-741 is to be kept in a locked room on-site, set within a standard dimensional containment chamber. A containment breach of any kind will interrupt SCP-741's anomalous effect, and will lead to the instantaneous death of all SCP-741-1 instances.
Description: SCP-741 is a television set manufactured by Pioneer Electronics, the maker of the television programs 'Welcome to the Foundation', and 'Bad Dreams Are Real'. SCP-741 is 6.9 meters in height and 51.8 meters in diameter. SCP-741 comes equipped with a live feed. SCP-741-1 instances are able to produce sound while making "unintelligible" noises. This sound is only audible to persons or sounds within the sound region SCP-741-1 instances can perceive.
SCP-741 instances come in five visual shapes:
•Free floating
•And then it decays
SCP-741-1 instances will manifest in one of three locations.
•Wednesday: SCP-741 will manifest in a known location. It has been noted that SCP-741 will manifest in the upper back corner of the viewing room from which SCP-741-1 instances originate.
•Thursday: SCP-741 will manifest in a familiar location, usually the common room adjacent to the television.
•Friday: SCP-741 will manifest in a home, or in a closet.
•Saturday: SCP-741 will manifest in a bathroom, or if within a close vicinity, within a dressing room.
•Sunday: SCP-741 will manifest in a bedroom (or in a closet) or an office.
•Monday: SCP-741 will manifest in the same location.
•Tuesday: SCP-741 will manifest in the living room of a child.
•Wednesday: SCP-741 will manifest in a car.
•Thursday: SCP-741 will manifest in a kitchen.
•Friday: SCP-741 will manifest within a house.
•The following contains the events leading to SCP-741 being created.
•Firstly, SCP-741 manifests in a home (or an apartment, in one case).
•Wednesday, SCP-741 manifests in a wood room.
•Thursday, SCP-741 manifests in a house furnished with two doors.
•Today, SCP-741 manifests at a home owned by a member of the SCP-741-1 instances.
•The following contains the events leading to SCP-741 being created.
•The home owner will either enter the room and immediately move away, or randomly walk away.