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Item #: SCP-743

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-743’s location is to be secured by at least two (2) Class-A staff, and no attempts to breach the structure have been documented so far.

Addendum 743-1: The chamber containing SCP-743 has been reinforced with a 9m-high protective structure, constructed of high-strength alloy, with a reinforced 1m thick green, latex material lining the bottom of the chamber. SCP-743’s staff is to be placed on the exterior of the structure in order to maintain a safe working environment. No upper limit to the size of the structure is necessary, as smaller SCP-743 has been exhibited in a wide range of containment breaches.

A perimeter is to be maintained around the perimeter of the structure, with a minimum of 5m spacing between highly guarded containment area and the perimeter. Any civilian attempting to enter the structure must be forcibly detained, regardless of whether or not either the unobserved or anomalous person is present within the SCP-743 chamber.

Any civilian who breaches the perimeter must neutralized immediately and escorted back to the source of the breach in order to prevent cross-contamination of the chamber. Materials lost during the breach should then be recovered or distributed to Area-B personnel. The perimeter of Site-33 is to remain the same, with one (1) meter of white, low quality material in the perimeter to prevent cross-contamination of Site-33, and one meter of the same material in the perimeter for Site-34 and Site-25.

Description: SCP-743 is an altar of a type not previously recorded, that is likely a religious artifact. Roughly three (3) kilogram (3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5m), SCP-743 is bound by a rope of unknown composition, made of a material composed of several different metallic compounds, including nickel, titanium, and copper. Transmission of the rope is possible by physical intervention, but requires either direct or indirect psychological damage to the subject to impede or prevent entry into the SCP-743 chamber.

SCP-743 contains an altar, sacred to an unknown, possibly hostile, deity. This deity has been identified as “Fire Dief”. A religious text is available as Appendix 743.5, and the text contains a number of depictions of the deity, including conceptual depictions (see Addendum 743.6), physical descriptions (including 'The flame which [holds hold of] the Father”), photographs (including “the flames, as [hold hold of] the Lord”), and “dreams” (including images of “Dream-Dief”).

The altar is located on a level 2-3 basement level, programmed to emit an ambient 30m-long full-spectrum glow at 430 lumens. This glow occurs at a radius of 60m, fading rapidly after an arbitrary amount of time (defined as ~20m-long intervals of time) prior to its eventual appearance. In order to detect the presence of an organ or organ tissue within SCP-743’s body, or any conscious instances within its vicinity, SCP-743 should be equipped with a force field of at least 50m strength, with the effect of detecting any metallic objects within 3m of the altar.

When the pressure field enters SCP-743’s containment, all familiarized personnel, including Martynen, are immediately subject to the effect of “supersonic” commotion.



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