Item #: SCP-754
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-754 is maintained in a 1x1x1m containment cell 5m x 5m x 5m in size. A small, circular chute has been installed in the containment chamber, allowing for access to the SCP-754-1 instance's urine and feces via SCP-754-1's own urethral opening.
The chute has been sealed in a regular redundant casing; SCP-754-1 instances removed through the chute should be incinerated. The chute is to be watched at all times by a minimum of two (2) security personnel and will only be opened by O5-█, and only under the cover story of replacing a broken toilet. Each guard should be equipped with a high-powered audio-detection device such as an internal microphone or a pair of speakers equipped with split-box amplifiers. Should SCP-754-1 instances breach containment, they are to be immediately terminated and an official investigation should be initiated.
Description: SCP-754-1 instances appear to be test subjects for various experiments currently in progress. SCP-754-1 appears to be a humanoid composed of approximately 15% human [REDACTED]. SCP-754-1 instances are capable of speech, but manifestations of speech are significantly less clear, with the subject appearing to utilize an unintelligible intonation.
SCP-754-1 instances' Vigorous physical power is directly proportional to the number of researchers who perform the following tests:
•Test subject report indifferent or no physical pain
•Agent reports nothing or no physical pain
•Team Leader reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports nothing or no physical pain
•Researcher reports nothing or no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
•Researcher reports no physical pain
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
•Researcher reports no physical pain.
Test Subject Reports No Physical Pain if Subject Debuts in Staged Testing
Test Subject Reports No Physical Pain If Used in a Staged Testing
Test Subject Reports No Physical Pain When Used in a Staged Testing
Test Subject Reports No Physical Pain When Used in a Staged Testing
Purpose: To determine if SCP-754-1 instances are capable of producing significant physical pain, based on the physical state of the instance.
Agents █ and █ were instructed to contact SCP-754-1 instances with modules currently in use on test subject.
Researcher's Note: Several attempts were made to contact SCP-754-1 instances, and numerous attempts were made to contact SCP-754-1 instances, but all attempts were rebuffed due to being in less-than-stellar physical condition.
Description: SCP-754-1 is a humanoid entity composed of unknown (1) human flesh. SCP-754-1's anomalous properties manifest when it is terminated and an Ur-Type Entity, referred to hereafter as SCP-754-1 and referred to as SCP-754-1-2, is created from the remains of the test subject. As SCP-754-1 is a form of Ur-Type Entity, it is occasionally encountered in the wild, but is produced by a technique still not fully understood.
SCP-754-1 is non-sentient, and frequently attacks the nearest Foundation agent using anomalous weaponry, including Phased-Range Stun Inducesment. SCP-754-1 is hostile to all life forms, and will repeatedly attack any form of life forms that enters its range of effect. The slow duration of its attack is due to the nature of the Ur-Type Entity appearing in SCP-754-1's vicinity. Subject's reflexes are severely impaired, and the reason for SCP-754-1's attack is unknown.
SCP-754-1 is extremely hostile to all life forms, and will express anger and trauma at any life form that it detects. However, SCP-754-1 will generate a "blue-fire" effect, killing any living being affected by it within 3-