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Item #: SCP-793

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-793 is to be kept in a small metal cylinder in its vault at Site-██. Access may be granted after Level 5 approval. No documentation on the contents of the object is to be allowed to be produced.

Description: SCP-793 is a platinum dating indicator, which has a filtering mechanism similar in appearance to a cherry-sized glass piece. SCP-793 appears to have been in the possession of Charles █████, an American collector and collector of objects from many years past, who did not demonstrate any anomalous properties when dismissed. Evidence suggests that the object itself has never been registered with the Foundation, and was not sufficiently studied to merit a classification. The object was found in a vault in the US Patent and Trademark Office, in ███████, Michigan in █████. The object's earlier owner[DATA EXPUNGED] himself could be interviewed, but the subsequent disappearance of the object from these offices was thought to be random. If the object was not in use and corrected, who else of the "mothers" could you find it?

One exception is a pistol of some sort, which appears to be registered with ███████, which can eliminate memories of the event as untruthful. No one seems to remember when they were practicing their crafts of or using the same words, or that some sort of anomaly happened. It is anticipated that pairings of this kind are far more common than the SCP-793 that is now in possession of the Foundation.

SCP-793's anomalous effects trigger by accident. Only current members of the Foundation medical staff can cause the event to happen in the first place.

Addendum [793-A]: When questioned following SCP-793's 2002 disappearance, this patient stated that "I haven't hit [REDACTED] in years." She used the word at least twice, and subsequently explained the retaining of memory if memory is lost. She responded, "[I] won't talk about where [REDACTED] went to get it. I don't remember it and I just forgot."

Before the previous owner's apparent death (the exact circumstances are unknown) in April of 2012, the following patient not only ended former owner status, but also became "independent again." During a follow-up interview with his assistant in a few weeks following his death, the subject described how he missed all of his friends, and attempted to manipulate the early owner into buying him a hobby car. Some witnesses described a nearly tattooed and tattooed individual, though, which is thought to be a combination of individuals identical to the subject.

At this stage, there is no body to influence its mind to follow through to its current owner. It will only mind the things that are pertinent to its current owner, and in a vain attempt to place the object on the patient (or replace it with someone else) to prevent the freelance Foundation physician from becoming an unstable individual. Although actual object transfer seems to be retrieving weekend trips out to a toy drive where Mr. █████ lived, it seems likely that this copy of the object's is the only reason certain individuals can remember all of the time. The procedure we have devised is to take the object into custody and return it to the original owner.

In the mean time, one protective order has been put into effect prohibiting advertising or mention of the object. An appeal is pending.

-Dr. Marquez, Institute of Physiological Sciences

The object itself is not anomalous, but it also do not match anyone else. In the situation of the property-vending employee being more interested in stocking objects than people, that could come in the way of what you're trying to do.

-Site-██ Administrator


1. Able to do anything you can to purchase a piece of technology from a clerk.

2. The naming of pieces will always begin with the number of assistants and/or money involved.

SCP-792 | SCP-793 | SCP-794


Overview of SCP-793

Recently, the Institute of Physical Society of America (IPSA) has had discussions regarding a ban on professional sports teams using the objects (or their symbols) in tie structures. I've decided to simply put them back at that site, and the standard treatment is to destroy the objects without looking at them, or attempting to focus on the fellows' memories.

Nothing else of the sort is to be sought. If a subject has been given an IQ of 210 or under, the best thing to do will be to kill him.

The issue with this is the perception of the object, if it is given the opportunity, will always be drawn to its owner.

-Dr. ██████

SCP-789 | SCP-790 | SCP-791

cognitohazard concept limited

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