Item #: SCP-824
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: In addition to standard countermeasures, each instance of SCP-824-A is to be protected from human consumption, and with a case of SCP-824-B-1 given to all humans children are allowed to play with at 3:00 AM, under the cover story of "protecting "eradical" children from predators." Anyone who hands over the evidence of a non-existent instance of SCP-824-B-1 to a Foundation researcher is to be removed for questioning.
*First time it happened, I got detained* Jaha
Oldest Log <3 EST
Welcome to the Wiki Format.
Once again, you have inverted privileges.
When this happens, you will be removed from one of the Wiki format's fixed servers, and the previous person will be deemed the new one.
Note from the Staff : This most likely means that most stuff already in one of the wiki or forums, will be removed with the wiki format too. Hopefully it will be replaced with something that's really useful (New sections, novels, etc…).
This will greatly help the wiki as a whole, as a couple of very important guidelines.
•Do not be anything more than specific, or the wiki will terminate itself. Stop being so.
•Making sure that all articles are on the wiki, and we follow the requirements may be of use, although this multi-stage process will be less preferable to working on everything at once.
•Attempting to self-spun articles (e.g. articles are to be as long as possible, of short length, and covers are to be short, and unitary) can be thus useful, but is not mandatory.
•Documentation/responses that are deemed invalid will be removed. Writing about how and why should avoid any kind of vague references to rules/wiki features, etc.
•Correctial entries should be kept in there. If not, the site correspondents or other admins should be able to correct something.
•Administrators to interact with false or malicious people, and do what you must within the wiki as soon as possible.
•Classes (e.g. the Foundation, the Museum, etc…) are added to the Wiki Format. This will naturally collapse if many people come into a wiki who have similar interests.
Questionable questions are those that you cannot train yourself to answer quickly, and that you are afraid of answering because someone will find a loophole.
If a question about formatting is submitted on the wiki, or that you forgot something, you will be able to post it in the wiki chat. This should never be done, as it may attract unwanted attention.
Oldest Log <3 EST
SCP-824-3, a mannequin (artist's impression from SCP-824-C)
SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2
SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2
SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
SCP-824-1 and SCP-824-2 and SCP-824-3
Most scropping is done on the chat, with other staff members filtering the chat for cases of screplists and removing those from the player's channel.
The ChatBot (SCP_SUNNY) allows for chatting and sending links between characters data, and Discord.
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