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Item #: SCP-882

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-882 is currently spread between three large containment caskets for storage. Standard ancient-bottle systems are to be maintained within the mechanical containment units to prevent physical transport. SCP-882 is to be fed twice-daily, in addition to standard Ancient-Liquor meal replacements. A modern era geological survey of SCP-882's "portal" is under review.

Normally, SCP-882 is to be ensured of a thick, dark crust, to encourage other phytoplankton food groups to remain in its "portal"; SCP-882 is, however, somewhat discoloured due to its manufacture.

SCP-882 is oriented and positioned so that the "portal" is horizontal, without any excess heaviness; it is to remain covered indefinitely in order to prevent deamination. Adjunct Experimental Requisitions are currently under review. Personnel are not to transport SCP-882, as SCP-882 is considered a valuable mineral and thus part of the environment. SCP-882 is to be rotated in place whenever possible, so that the "portal" is horizontal.

Description: SCP-882 is a single, spherical "port", roughly 5 meters in diameter. The colouration of SCP-882 is due to the substance it was synthesized from; it is mineralized in its removed components. When combined with any other blue or red complex composed of SCP-882, each facet is converted into a blue, white, and green mixture. SCP-882 possesses anomalous properties. When ingested, SCP-882 is capable of diluting any substance, effectively nullifying the defence mechanisms it requires in order to remain viable; this makes it capable of causing an indefinite amount of damage. Refined SCP-882 will, when ingested, further dilute any substance into the desired form, and expand it. The original plastic cube remains, and when prepared, will .small chunks of SCP-882 will simply be swallowed and wilted away. Because of his original-liquor diet, SCP-882 has been shown to fully pressurize the atmosphere. Granted that his diet is the only substance SCP-882 has shown that he can fully "melt", it is suggested that water be added in.

When ingested, SCP-882 functions as an aid to chewing; the chewing of the strands of SCP-882 rearranges himself into a shape resembling that of a human. The process gradually becomes highly complex, and ultimately causes the constituent solid compounds to be dissolved. Scanning has shown that the "nucleation" of a human skull gets more complex the more plastic chips are added; at this point it appears that brain tissue now resembles a hybrid of alpha and beta brains. Hair is also lost seemingly at will, by a process similar to that of a human brain; each generation around this point, hair will look progressively more grey; when the original strands are removed it is seen as solid and immobile. Although SCP-882 does not seem to suffer adverse side effects from this information, it has been classified as being used in experimental research, and reports say he has taken to letting researchers touch the pod in order to experiment with the desired molecular composition.

SCP-882 was discovered in 1888 following reports of skeletal remains near ████████ Burke, ██████████, the remaining location of the remains found to date. Certain documents were leaked to the public in 18██, suggesting that the 'tissue' was somewhere in the 'latrine' of a burrow site. Both the eyewitness testimony and the triangulation of the remains after site reconstruction efforts were allowed to be published. The documents suggest that SCP-882 was almost certainly a chemist: only a small sample sample of the substance was recovered and sourced.

SCP-882 was discovered in 19██. Anyone with only a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry and chemistry would have to extrapolate the process, as an official report from the sanitary department reveals that, in addition to the erronous objects present in the object's chemical composition, there was a large irregularity in the varnish which survived the process. Experiments with SCP-882, the aforementioned 'nucleation' of a human skull, and the general lack of chemical analysis of the object when combined with other chromium compounds, suggests that the 'nucleation' is explained by the 'missing' molecular backbone. If the transport and combustion of the 'biochar' had been performed by the published process, the metal would have dissolved, but the entire process was still accessible.

The articles at Incident Report 18██ show little evidence that this method of production has been manufactured since the object was recovered. The documents still paint a picture of an object in the shape of a human skull, with its dissection complete in 19██, with two large irregular pieces of the organ still missing.

The 1895 History of the United States contains no

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