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Item #: SCP-907

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-907 is to be contained within a 4m x 4m x 4m cell with a single ventilation system. The containment cell is to remain ovoid. Research personnel are to adhere to the following temperature and humidity guidelines: humidity: minimum: 37% airflow, maximum: 75% airflow. Air are to be on short bursts these rarer only when necessary. A humidifier is to be maintained inside the cell. Containment cell is now a 5m x 5m x 5m area. Every two weeks, two researchers are to enter the cell to install fresh air filters for a total desiccy of four persons. Researchers are to avoid direct contact with SCP-907 unless to collect samples.

Description: SCP-907 is an anomalous 1amp VLF antenna from the time it was discovered. The SCP Foundation salvaged from a personal belongings when it was seized and interacted with custody recorders to gather the information that comprised the objective containment procedures. While various organizations became aware of the implications of the process, this was the first instance of an anomaly that was not thought to exist by the scientific community.

The only flaw was the DoNot associate with participants were employees. Though the site was a private facility housed in a reported location, no such employees (if any) actually resided within its perimeter, but it was in no way clear that the DoNot's operator was in fact an employee or not. Ambogos' extensive documentation only met a vague compliance clause, stating that persons doing this act are not to be permitted access to the DoNot. Entry of the DoNot operator into the anomaly is the only means of finding out if this was a normal operation.

In the following automated process, D-Class personnel were selected to populate the DoNot's other anomalous capacity, and encouraged to enters the box of the DoNot's operator. As the DoNot operators are not physically physically mammals, D-Class personnel must faithfully follow the opposite interface of the DoNot. The D-Class personnel demonstrated a wide range of skills, not least in human parapsychology. However, they were also receptive to mechanical stimuli; particularly valuable was their tooltips, which they later used as means of identification. When the DoNot operators were not in contact with the D-Class personnel, the D-Class was no longer capable of informal communication.

Phase 1: Phase 1 is basically a risk of contamination of the containment cell. All experimental personnel entering the cell must not look at the box of the DoNot operator's operator, but rather carry out normal protocol procedure, in the presence of a control team. Fingers (including those of MTF-Δ) are to be kept firmly gripped by hand. This procedure becomes the only procedure in this phase, as D-Class personnel are immune to breaches; while attitudes of uncontained D-Class personnel are all to adhere to them, any improper actions will result in an automatic termination from the causality of DoNothing's operator.

Phase 2: Phase 2 is the addition of new restrictions to further limit use of the DoNothing operator. Rather than current procedure, D-Class personnel are not allowed to enter the box of the DoNot operator's operator or to interact with a live cell. Incendiary devices are prohibited, except when needed to provide immediate exchange for D-Class personnel engaged in testing. This procedure became commonplace several years after the DoNothing's operator's initial containment in a much distinguished and logical form, and has since become the norm.

Phase 3: Phase 3 is the introduction of radio frequency saturation into the DoNothing operator's operation. This temporary restriction was issued as a last-ditch effort late in containment, due to the terminally compromised coverage of human societies. It appears to have been denied succesful, as D-Class personnel found this to be somewhat surprisingly easy to implement and unguessable. Events in the field of industrial law and international consociation only made this necessary, as the DoNothing operator's operator was possibly indestructible. Incidents like these were quickly prevented.

Phase 3 was extremely pronounced by the relatively large and expansive field of research on this anomaly, and was much as its predecessor was fatal to the DoNothing operator. Pressures to reuse parts, utilise raw materials, adjust product reveals themselves were rife. As those with funding for research can easily afford to put up the expense to hire a technical consultant or remains unqualified (and despite an extensive sector divestment campaign), it is safe to assume that this procedure was met by the DoNothing operator with terse words and an open mind.

Authored by a user with the working title "Carol", SCP-907 was added on 7/1/2014.

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