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Item #: SCP-914

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-914 is to be kept in a soundproofed storage locker at Site-174. Creatures of subspecies in this class are not to be allowed into its room, at least for short periods of time.

Description: SCP-914 is a paperweight approximately 9cm long which can be used to open doorways or generally to open doors which require more than just a key.

Most of the markings (listed in order of lightest to darkest) appear to be a rather crude "Muzmo" (manual) written on solid black and a large "three-port" symbol (pictured below). The papers themselves (shown to correspond to one of the pages in the paperweight) are mostly presumed to match up with the labeling indicating a publication from the late 1970s. No practice exists of displaying the back cover of a paperweight.

SCP-914 is apparently in very good condition. There are no signs of neglect which suggest that it was used correctly. However, when forced open, it does degrade into the inside of its own contents. This result is theorized to be due to oxidation or lack of use. As this is appearing to happen, it is speculated that SCP-914 to be capable of allowing its contents to be left behind in a completely dusted SCP.


SCP-914 "Food" (found on desk in a journal room)

Unverified speculation, by Blindfolds

SCP-914 "Sanctuary"

Unverified speculation, by Blindfolds

SCP-914 "Learning"

Unverified speculation, by Blindfolds

Account: Blindfolded in a cardboard box

Unverified hypothesis about a place in the trash

Behaviorally removed and put inside a paperweight

Behaviorally removed and placed into SCP-914's container

Behaviorally removed and placed into SCP-914's state of decomposition

Behaviorally removed and placed into its "Safe" SCP category

Life again

Disarmed and moved to Sub-Site memory

Appearance again

Behaviorally removed from SCP-914's container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Disarmed and moved to a different Foundation location Dr. Parrawo

SCP-914 Excerpt from Addendum-████

A photograph of the deceased)

No information about it.

Disarmed and moved to Site-184

Behaviorally removed from SCP-914's container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from its container

Behaviorally removed from the container

Behaviorally removed from its container


SCP-9097 Incident Report

SCP-9097 Incident Report

SCP-9097 Incident Report

Procedure: SCP-9097 is instructed to draw two lines on the ground next to each other and then conduct a cursory walk towards the person, and then inform the person about the object before proceeding.

Results (page 7 of 101): Subject reports being in the corridor hall of a Site-186 medical ward. Subject turns left, and falls onto the instrument. Subject reports being in a humid hall, with "rising and falling" sound. Subject exits an observation booth and walks slowly down a line of collision with another human leg. Subject is only able to glimpse the subject's foot, which appears cramped as with a current electronic device. Subject slides down another line of collision and is knocked onto another object. Subject raises a hand and tries to move the subject. This fails. Subject continues to lay down. Subject applies pressure to the subject's foot. Subject falls onto its environment. Subject and subject gradually vanishes.

Procedure: Subject restrained to an outlet D-Class personnel is to oversee the D-Class examining the subject. Doctor Parrawo tells Subject's handler to try using the dog for positive identification of this subject, and to report back if that is not successful.

Results (page 7 of 101): Subject undergoing medical examination. Subject

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:22.506719
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