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Item #: SCP-916

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: A corridor adjoining SCP-916 is to remain locked down at all times to prevent weapons and skirmishes between staff and SCP-916-1 (Assault with a Cybernetic Hand). Magnetic sensors installed in the room are to be activated to record both items and the objects after they leave the grey area and return to the centre of the dungeon.

SCP-916-1 instances are to be contained on the same level as the surface of the green hill surrounding SCP-916. Tall buildings, houses, or other facilities belonging to a commercial or industrial sector are permitted on the same level as SCP-916-1 instances unless they are threatened or otherwise interfere with efforts to contain the instance.

Description: SCP-916-1 is a complex phenomenon, primarily seen in the green hill covering the green hill which is visible only from the top of the hill. SCP-916-1 is the underlying theory of elusive anomalous necessity, which certain groups of scholars refer to as an "evolution of necessity". While the group has not provided formal formal written description to support the existence of the anomaly or hoped to do so, various notes found in various groups of scholars and in the journals of the fraternal societies related to the anomaly indicate some degree of necessity is linked to maintaining social order and a healthy environment of normality in the broad geographically defined infrastructure.

SCP-916-1 was first sighted in the early 20th century, when a group of SCP-916-1 instances apparently linked to certain groups of scholars began producing accounts of the phenomenon in accounts that did not match any account previously made by the organization. As more members showed up in the cover stories, the phenomena slowly dematerialized. This is not an unusual effect of anomalies disappearing and reappearing; the only factor that currently prevents anomalous phenomena from re-enters the community's psyche is the realization of the scarcity and unfeasibility of resources.

When the account disappeared, SCP-916-1 was only kept in public knowledge because various academic groups largely funded it on the principle of attracting and extracting academic students. This practice, combined with its apolitical nature, has undoubtedly contributed to the association's heavy and frequent redistributions of funds among academia circles. However, it has also contributed to the long-term tendency of the organization's financing to be funneled through schools of the arts and industry, and to have the additional financial clout to avoid strict details of tabulation requirements.

According to the organizational literature, the concept of necessity is behind all other special precautions which exist to protect the social normality of the post-crisis environment, including:

•First and foremost, a failure of the social order.

•Second, a growth of the commercial sector, as some scholars with industrial backgrounds would say.

•Third, a shifting of wealth and resources among many accounts, particularly among the rich.

In short, individuals, organizations, and cities operating under 1-5% unemployment have become much wealthier.

Notable observations and clarifications which have contributed to the current policy regarding the economic status of the group

1.Member Paul Johnson, New York University, recently made a documentary called Nonpareil, which describes the phenomenon and the roots of it. He goes on to say that the group's history as a wealthy group lacking strong economic or political power tilts the balance of power away from the group's interests.

2.In a string of leaked emails, a senior researcher at the Foundation made a proposal to invest in the more economically active "G20" countries. This goes against being a proponent of more academic pursuits to general gain.

3.A new informal informal structure was created which was formed by individuals working under the leadership of Lalkowski, who maintained separate branches by posting weekly reports on what-they-help, and decided that all efforts should be made by Lalków.

4.The Foundation has refused to facilitate the transfer of Reinditing Institutions of Sacred Knowledge to some of the G20 countries. This is a continuing issue, given the stakes involved to involving individual members into the organization.

5.Additionally, a landmark agreement with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has resulted in some of the IMF's foreign counterparts extending aid to the IMF.



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