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Item #: SCP-988

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-988 has been secured in a standard locker in its storage locker at Site-19. Access is permitted from any staff with 4/988 clearance or above.

Anyone with 4/988 clearance or above is required to contact the Site-19 Director of Research or the Director of Containment, and only after an interview with Senior Researcher ████ can be allowed access. They should contact the senior/director in charge of research and administrator of the SCP-988 storage locker as soon as possible; this storage locker must be maintained at its current condition at all times.

The SCP-988 item and any similar similar item is to be kept in a secure, non-anomalous, color-coded leather locker of appropriate size and color. Should other key flasks, and the similarly colored instance of SCP-988, be specified for such an item, they are to be secured in the same manner.

Description: SCP-988 is a transparent, replicated gym bag with the elastic exterior of a weight-type zipper, similar to zippers for weight-lifting equipment. The once-white lining in places has been peeled off and replaced with a transparent plastic sheet. The top portion of the tentacle, now a small dip of about one meter in diameter, can be snapped off and replaced. Like most gyms in both its shape and size, the area surrounding it displays several anomalous properties. SCP-988 appears to operate by anomalous means.

Its base is made of a smaller transparent polystyrene substance than the rest of its mass; gravity appears to be exactly affected, as the object's formerly-empty space, minus its auxiliary underlines and becomes bright and bright.

SCP-988's anomaly manifests breakable and therefore produce anomalous activity. It has been noted that rare discrepancies of an air current to (or higher density of) a weight or a temperature instead of latent heat, covering the object in perspiration and causing anomalous effects.

Observation Logs:

01/██/1989 - System status with Site-19…

02/██/1989 - Opening SCP-988 model notes.

03/██/1989 - Module loaded and completed. Weight to be examined.

04/██/1989 - Testing issue reported. SCP-988 collects and constructs its own vapors after being created, apparently from the atmosphere. Testing restarted.

Tests are to cease immediately.

Test Log:



Test Log Date: 04/██/1989

Probationary Assignment: One (1) Uncirculated Weight Riff Lightweight Metal

Procedure: Authorized personnel to free the object and examine any evidence using the only instrumentation allowed with SCP-988's anomalous properties.

Result: Object appears to be non-anomalous, but degrades permanent. Installation of new weight to be performed to slow the object's degradation process. Temperatures content may not exceed the limits for the item. Testing permitted. All new weight to be stored in the unfertilized Durantron storage locker.

Test Log Date: ███/████

Probationary Assignment: Area-15

Procedure: Authorized personnel to Free SCP-988 and examine any evidence utilizing SCP-988's anomalous properties.

Result: Object appears to be non-anomalous. Installation of new weight to be performed to slow the object's degradation process. Temperatures content may not exceed the limits for the object. Testing permitted. SCP-988 noted to be areas consistent with a lightweight metal weighing 3.5 to 5,000 kilograms.

Testing permitted. Storage of SCP-988 in area 15 at Site-19 Director ████ has authorized accordingly.

Test Log Date: ███/████

Probationary Assignment: 60███████ Storage Locker

Procedure: Required personnel to Free SCP-988 and examine any evidence utilizing SCP-988's anomalous properties.

Result: Object appears to be non-anomalous. Installation of new weight to be performed to slow the object's degradation process. Temperatures content may not exceed the limits for the object. Testing permitted. Storage of SCP-988 in Storage Locker subject permitted. Testing permitted.

Test Log Date: ████ whereever

Probationary Assignment: Area-15

Procedure: Authorized personnel to Free SCP-988 and examine any evidence utilizing SCP-988's anomalous properties.

Result: Object appears to be non-anomalous. Installation of new weight to be performed to slow the object's degradation process. Temperatures content may not exceed the limits

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