Item #: SCP-148
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-148 is to be kept within a locked safe in Site-██. Any personnel attempting to access SCP-148 are to be given Class-A Amnestics.
Description: SCP-148 is a mat three-dimensional print of a female, white stock photo. The images are in two-dimensional space, and are identical to each other except that the female is wearing pale-green lipstick and the male is holding a vacuum cleaner.
Once an SCP-148 instance has been exposed to sunlight, it will transform into a normal photograph suitable for a pornographic photograph. The instances will then be rudely transferred out of containment.
Two photographs exist of SCP-148, two photographs of SCP-148-1 and SCP-148-2.
SCP-148-1 is SCP-148-1 in its aqueous state. SCP-148-1 has the appearance of a white stock photo of a female with the same number of legs.
SCP-148-2 is SCP-148-2 in its aqueous state. SCP-148-2 has the appearance of a black clothed woman with the number 1 on her leg.
Note: I was curious, and I found these images after reading SCP-148. They're a bit old but not terribly damaged, so they can be kept on a single photocopy for testing purposes. Thanks a lot, D.A. - Researcher ████
Perhaps an SCP-148-2/1 image could stand as a remedy to What happens to the corpses of research staff, rather than just a screw-up in the Hubble hole.
SCP-148-1: 177cm x 89cm x 78cm
SCP-148-2: 177cm x 88cm x 75cm
Experimentation Logs
Experimentation Logs:
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Test 26
All testing is complete, and SCP-148 was found to be in perfect physical condition ahead of the time of experimentation.
Experiment Logs:
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A place for a page to be for testing is provided on the bottom of this page.
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SCP-148 was discovered by the Foundation after the death of an intern there, who was found to have a high-risk stress disorder after performing an anomalous act on another intern.
Upon learning that the intern was SCP-148, Foundation researchers spent several months and several hundred hours searching for these images. The image in its containment unit had been sent to Site-██ by the intern's family, who selected it up for promos. As of the time of writing, it still has a staff member's name on it, and has been designated SCP-148.
The intern was diagnosed with a high-risk stress disorder, and underwent a similar course of treatment. He was sent to Site-██ for psychiatric evaluation six years later. During his stay there, he overdosed on █, then █████. At the time, the intern was looking into a criminal history and a sexual assault case. This led the interview to reveal that the intern was an Alpha-2.
Addendum 148-A: SCP-148's assignment has since been promoted to dangerous. This is attributed to its current condition