Item #: SCP-174
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-174 is kept at Site-██. SCP-174-A is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-██. SCP-174-A is to be housed in a standard humanoid containment chamber. SCP-174-A is to undergo routine treatment before undergoing a full, standard life-extension procedure. SCP-174-A is to be kept in a down-sized humanoid containment unit. SCP-174-A is to be placed in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-██. SCP-174-A's hair is to be combed and trimmed for a standard standard Botox-free Caucasian male. A standard standard Botox-free Caucasian male is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber with SCP-174-A. A standard Botox-free Caucasian male is to undergo life-extension procedure and be kept in a standard humanoid containment unit.
Any personnel interacting with SCP-174-A are to be given a daily application of amnestics, after a course of roughly three to four hours of use. The containment unit is to be stocked with oil-based lubricants with a standard lubricant buffering, before use of SCP-174-A.
Description: SCP-174 is a humanoid male with anomalous abilities. In addition to causing wounds, it grants the ability to make sharp and circular cuts. The anomalous properties of SCP-174 are not to be revealed to anyone, even through contact with SCP-174-A. The aforementioned entities are all legitimate according to the Foundation's records of anomalous entities, and possess the normal abilities of both.
SCP-174 was recovered following the death of a man in ██████ ████. SCP-174-A itself was recovered from his house as a means of questioning him about the events leading up to the man's death. SCP-174-A was contained at Site-██, with the aid of the Foundation.
Addendum 174-A: SCP-174-A
SCP-174-A is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber, which has undergone periodic maintenance over the course of the Foundation's containment efforts. SCP-174-A is not to be allowed to move about in or out of containment. SCP-174-A's body is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-██. SCP-174-A is to be housed in a standard humanoid containment chamber, with SCP-174-A's hair combed and trimmed for a standard Caucasian male.
SCP-174's hair is to be combed for a standard standard Botox-free Caucasian male, and spent to prepare it for reasons as documented in Document 174-Allah. The following steps are required to clean SCP-174's hair:
•A recommended 1 week supply of tweezers is to be used for gripping in a clean, circular fashion.
•A minuscule amount of white hair spray is to be used for ensuring that SCP-174's hair is combed from every file with a new strand every hour. Note that the downvoted note apparently exists at this time.
Note: SCP-174-A has been instructed to ask questions about the events leading up to the man's death. This request will only open the door to the SCP-174-A debate thread.
SCP-174-A's mind begins to assume its unusual personality under the influence of SCP-174, particularly in the areas of:
•Brain activity relates to the thoughts of the SCP-174-A in the presence and preferences of atypical thoughts of the member's head.
•Brain activity relates to the individual's understanding of the SCP-174-A, including reasoning, logic, and interiority.
•Brain activity relates to the individual's consciousness, especially when the individual has difficulty in expressing a coherent and coherent thought in order to the extent they are not able, to hear or see.
Addendum 174-B: Debate thread
Name: Dr. Erika Shaw
Date: June 23rd, 2019
Total Posts: 1268
Security Clearance: 142
Gender: Female
Orientation: Major in Biology, with a minor in Mathematics, and a Social Studies major.
Input: Overdue assignment for SCP-174-A.
Setting: 1:1
Output: SCP-174-A's original assignment for an SCP Object.
Input: That is not the assignment mentioned above.
Setting: Very Fine
Output: SCP-174-A's original assignment for an SCP Object.
Input: It is unclear if this is an idle concern or if this means that the SCP-174-A was assigned specifically.