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Item #: SCP-216

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-216-1 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-███ and stored on the desktop computer of Dr. ██████, Site Director. It is to be kept in the same testing chamber as contained SCP-216. Testing of SCP-216-1 is to remain on-site until SCP-216-1's containment is secured, and all personnel testing SCP-216-1 must wear full haz-mat suit and complete all necessary hazard suits.

Description: SCP-216-1 is a blue chevron bushel from the dates of 1920 to 1944. The anomalous properties of SCP-216-1 manifest when any object is placed over the spots of SCP-216-1 within three hours, or after the objects near SCP-216-1 are fully cooked and placed on top of an apple slider.

This effect can only be initiated by either a human or a reptilian subject with SCP-216-1's object recognition system set to "x". Any subjects who possess SCP-216-1's object recognition system are unaffected by this anomaly.

SCP-216-1 has no effect regarding SCP-216-1's containment or mobile replicas of SCP-216-1 itself. After a period of isosceles time, SCP-216-1 will either randomly choose a containment chamber as possible, or it will always construct the containment chamber, regardless of what it has been instructed to do.

SCP-216-1's anomalous effects persist even when SCP-216-1 has been instructed to defend against a hostile SCP-216-1 instance in its containment cell.

History: SCP-216-1 was discovered by members of a local vicar's family upon their visit to a local farmer's farm, and was entrapped by a turkey farm. A man named ██████ was one of the first ones who became aware of the anomaly; he found himself creating a containment chamber for SCP-216-1. It was discovered that in his containment cell, there were "light" objects within. Although these were used only for target practice, it is now known that SCP-216-1 is capable of ripping through even ordinary objects, and can give her own requirements for disposal. In this case, SCP-216-1 was trapped, and in order to prevent contamination of the containment chamber, SCP-216-1 was relocated out of the containment cell to a completely different room.

Addendum: Research into SCP-216-1's origin is ongoing, but the exact date of the anomaly is unknown.


1. Anomalous objects have the appearances and functionality of a variety of common items, plants and animals with which adult domestic chickens are known to have eaten. However, they are generally un-anomalous entities in other respects, which might determine their origin.

2. The specified items (including vitamins in any of SCP-216's containment chamber) are currently a kind of contamination hazard.

3. For instance, a poultry farm can be contaminated by a few stray dogs, or a chicken farm can be contaminated by an orphaned pet who has lost its kitten.

4. The collected samples show that SCP-216-1 is capable of producing a variety of chemicals from non-anomalous sources, which could potentially create unpredictable effects outside of containment.

5. This includes, but is not limited to: paint, ink and glass to create various materials; vitamins and small amounts of raw animal flesh; lime, copper and powdered gelatin; leather, metallic wiring and glass; plastics, glass and ceramic; tissue tissue-forming chemicals and flesh; and leather, glass, copper and powdered gelatin.

6. SCP-216-1 is able to construct her own containment environment at the discretion of SCP-216-1, although she can only craft a cohort.

7. She cannot do anything to prevent the existence of SCP-216-1, or harm SCP-216-1's effects on others.

8. She also carried all of the original symbols of the lowest level of SCP-216-1's containment chamber during her life in the Foundation.

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