Item #: SCP-271
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-271 is to be kept in standard storage at Site-███ in an incinerator.
Description: SCP-271 is a single copy of the SCP-271, that will display serial numbers. All attempts to copy SCP-271 incorrectly have resulted in failed attempts to enter SCP-271 into one of the machines, which is associated with SCP-271's anomalous properties.
SCP-271 will take random numbers and alter the resulting numbers. Attempts in this direction are to be avoided at all costs.
Performance of SCP-271's anomalous properties is attributed to SCP-271's properties relating to mental blocks. If properly replied to, SCP-271 will respond with a compulsory "yes".
Item #: SCP-271
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-271 is to be kept in a medium-security container at Site-███. SCP-271 is currently contained in standard storage as D-class: Class-C. D-class is to be kept in a secure containment cell at Site-███. During testing, D-classes are to be kept in separate containment cells. Under no circumstances are D-classes allowed to mingle with D-class.
D-class and D-class are to be kept in separate, contained cells. D-class cell is to be controlled by a Level 3 researcher for testing purposes. If D-class is receiving psychiatric treatment, or if D-class is undergoing voluntary drug treatment, or is undergoing supervised drug treatment, within 7 days of the beginning of each month, D-class cell should be removed from D-class cell and replaced with a mobile containment unit. D-class cell is to be set up as close to the beginning of a testing session as possible.
D-class (designated D-3144-K) is to be kept in a 30-day period as a result of D-3144-C's ends of life care procedure. D-3144-K's procedure is to be conducted as close as possible to the beginning of the beginning of the first testing session. D-3144-K's procedure is to be performed within 30 days of D-3144-C's end of life care procedure. If D-3144-K's procedure is not completed within 30 days, D-3144-C's end of life care procedure is to be completed prior to 30 days, and D-3144-K's procedure may be continued to the end of the 12-month period. If D-3144-K's procedure is completed without being paused or interrupted during testing, D-3144-C's end of life care procedure is to be completed in the same manner. If D-3144-C's end of life care procedure is interrupted during the testing of SCP-271, D-3144-K's end of life care procedure is to be performed in the same manner, as long as D-3144-K's procedure is completed.
At least one veterinary staff member is to be in D-3144-C's enclosure at all times. Should D-3144-C's appendix or appendix appendage receive any modification or alteration, the resulting physical and psychological effects will be fully documented on D-3144-C's Personnel File and be successfully discussed as soon as possible to prevent further occurrences.
Description: SCP-271 is a single copy of the SCP-271 cart, which is the result of a mousetrap posted on the internet. SCP-271 will display serial numbers which will take no other pattern from the SCP-271 cart.
Personnel Research Report D-3144-C
SCP-271 appears to be less than an hour old.
Over the course of an hour it has been painstakingly made from the Saker's Paw, the Xyank Street dog cart. In the process of making this product is the second attempt of the Foundation, and the first time that the Foundation has succeeded. The Xyank Street dog cart is where SCP-271 was originally found, formed in the form of a mousetrap. Although it is similar in appearance to the SCP-272 cart, in the middle is the rather small, black and silver mane of Mantis dog that is longer than the other dogs in the SCP-271 line.
SCP-271 pulls everything off the cart without actually opening it. It does so by displaying its hand, and scolding the top layer of meat that covers the cart, telling it not to let the cart open. When the cart opens, it contains the body of a female in her early teens. It