Item #: SCP-280
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-280-A is to be kept in a secure container at a secure Foundation storage area and its containment cell constructed of reinforced glass. All repairs to SCP-280-B's mechanical capabilities are to be performed by non-anomalous method, while all cases of SCP-280-A infection are to be reported immediately to Foundation psychiatry.
The object must be kept in a secure container at a secure Foundation storage area, in a containment cell constructed of reinforced glass. All repairs to SCP-280-B's mechanical capabilities are to be performed by non-anomalous method, while all cases of SCP-280-B infection are to be reported immediately to Foundation psychiatry.
Instances of SCP-280-B are to be kept in locked containers at a secure Foundation refrigerated containment unit. All repairs to SCP-280-B's mechanical capabilities are to be performed by non-anomalous method, while all cases of SCP-280-B infection are to be reported immediately to Foundation psychiatry.
Description: SCP-280 is an anomalous object that manifests when exposed to a mechanical component that is fused to a plastic object. SCP-280 will be able to work as a device similar to other objects that are fused to plastic objects, though SCP-280-A instances may not be contained indefinitely.
From the onset SCP-280 has a given pattern of deterioration. Reactions to physical damage rarely exceed the observed levels, but damage to mechanical components such as switches, hinges, screws, and components that add to the overall structural strength of the object and components within itself is always fatal.
Over the course of several hours, instances of SCP-280-A will manifest. Exact details of SCP-280-A's nature are difficult to describe, but they reveal that they can be destroyed by a single, sudden hit of more than one mechanical component. The nature of SCP-280-A is currently unknown, but SCP-280-A can be destroyed if it is forced any further.
SCP-280-A is a class of object that encompasses essentially two categories: "Normal" and "Helper". For an instance of SCP-280-A to be destroyed, a physical contact must be made between two human subjects, each of whom is a significant member of SCP-280-A's containment cell.
As of ██/██/2014, SCP-280-A contains a total of thirteen instances of SCP-280-B. Although all instances of SCP-280-B can be removed, the number of instances depends on the respective containment cell. All containment cells have a total of 37 instances. Containment cells with a total of < 0 by 3 : 5 instances of SCP-280-B are contained all over the world, following a global trend to contain all anomalous objects by 2025.
All sterilization and electronic components of the SCP-280-A instances must be in a standard standard, local type. This includes 6 standard heat-sealing tools, 9 standard disinfectants, and two year-old tools to grow plants and fruit trees. A maximum of 3 standard power sources may be used to sterilize SCP-280-A instances.
Any pets attached to SCP-280-B must be taken into containment to test the efficacy of sterilization procedures. SCP-280-B instances are to be housed separately with a minimum of 1 pet per containment cell. No pets are to be allowed within SCP-280-A's daily containment area.
In the event that SCP-280-B instances contain an instance of SCP-280-A that is not contained permanently, a single instance of SCP-280-B is to be created from this SCP-280-A instance. This instance will be designated as SCP-280-B-1. Instances of SCP-280-B-1 may be terminated at any time for medical reasons.
SCP-280-A instances will contain all activities necessary for the SCP-280-B containment group to bring about their creation, though no less than 5 instances of SCP-280-B are required to be present in each actual containment cell.
Incident: During an 8-hour containment cell test, SCP-280-A instances were not held in separate containment cells. Instance of SCP-280-B-1 was accidentally inserted into 909-A containment cell.
Incident: SCP-280-A instances also underwent a test after the completed 8-hour containment test. All times of cursor movement were made during containment. During both tests, SCP-280-A instances thereupon called for SCP-280-B-1 to be used.
Incident Report: Incident Report 280-A
Incident: Following the completion