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Item #: SCP-291

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Site-81-TH is to be closed to the public under the theory of a "Reality" engine in operation. This is to be reinforced with Fortis-NL-FR (Fortis-NL-FR). All items of SCP-291 are to each be stored separately in separate storage for study and containment.

Description: SCP-291 is a collection of specimens of SCP-291, designated as a successively black and white balloon. Each instance of SCP-291, or SCP-291-1-A through -K, consists of a ball of fuel, a chimney, a small metal cylinder, and a small, oval window on the roof. The inner surface of the chimney is composed of an iron ball similar in appearance to the outer layer, while the window is peppered with several identical small holes, all with identical symbols. The bars of the chimney's bars are composed of metallic bars mostly similar in composition and function to common anti-matter.

SCP-291-2 through -6 are represented by two cylinder-shaped black balloons that have no apparent purpose other than being physically and chemically identical. The engine behind the cylinder's wheel has yet to be located.

Addendum 291-A: On ██/██/20██, Site 81-TH was taken offline following the discovery of SCP-291, actively believed to be contained prior to its discovery. Research by the Foundation was observed to be futile.

Interview 291-02









1. Any item placed into a vacuum will experience an anomalous property.

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