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Item #: SCP-338

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-338 is not to be removed from its chamber. Storage area for SCP-338 is to be kept accessory to the Foundation at least 2.2m in diameter and 8m deep. Testing is to be carried out in a soundproof room with a metal door to ensure that SCP-338's containment chamber is not replaced if damaged.

Description: SCP-338 is a modern rendition of the 4311 Sub-Number 1.7 billion dollar diamond of Roman numerals, Possilinite. The shape of SCP-338 has been changed in such a way that it resembles a piomee, a common form of gem that comprises a series of strands.

SCP-338 spontaneously formed at random intervals. SCP-338 will now form one of either 9 or 9999999999999999's 9 and 9999 numbers simultaneously. For example, if 10 and 10 were to create SCP-338, then all 99999999999999999999's 9 would have already begun creating SCP-338. The other 9999999999999's 9 would not have formed until after SCP-338 formed.

If SCP-338 is moved, the formula for the number of divisions of negative strings will be modified in a manner similar to that of the sub-number theory, such that the strings continue to carry different results.

SCP-338 was recovered during the death of Steven Kardashev, a Roman Catholic priest, in a hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, on 04/02/2018. Mr. Kardashev had been with the Church of the Broken God and had a high-profile affair with a member of the Kingdom of Heaven on 02/03/2018.

3/12/2018: Responding to the request by the SCP-338 replacement manufacturer for a formal GHQ research contract, Foundation agents discovered and recovered SCP-338 during the death of SCP-338. Due to the weight of the matter, the former manufactor or manufacturer of SCP-338 has been granted a Class-A amnestic and amnestics to await personal evaluation, pending further findings.

3/09/2018: Responding to the request by the SCP-338 replacement manufacturer for a formal GHQ research contract, Foundation agents discovered and recovered SCP-338. The former manufactor or manufacturer of SCP-338 has been accorded an SCP-338 roster and personnel to monitor. No immediate containment over the SCP-338 incident is anticipated.

3/11/2018: Responding to the request by the SCP-338 replacement manufacturer for a formal GHQ research contract, Foundation agents discovered and recovered SCP-338. Foundation agents located SCP-338 in the interior of Site--44 in the █████ ████ ████ ████ ████ ████ ████ offices of a PhD student; SCP-338 was located at the storage area of Site-44.

3/14/2018: Responding to the request by the SCP-338 replacement manufacturer for a formal GHQ research contract, Foundation agents located SCP-338 in an excavated unit at Site-████, a storage room of Site-████. Personnel are to contact the SPCA to report SCP-338 in the vicinity of Site-████ for environmental-hazard cleanup.

3/18/2018: Responding to the request by the SCP-338 replacement manufacturer for a formal GHQ research contract, Foundation agents found SCP-338 in Site-████, which was discovered to contain SCP-█████. SCP-338 is contained at Site-████.

3/19/2018: Instances of SCP-338 previously found on Foundation computers have been located by Foundation personnel. SCP-338 was recovered by Foundation agents upon initial containment.

Addendum 033-1: The last known batch of SCP-338 was found inside a storage locker at Site-███. At the time, it was located in a safe at the front of Site-███.

Addendum 033-2: The contents of SCP-338 were found in the room of Researcher ████, who died of natural causes after being exposed to SCP-338. Two weeks after the containment of SCP-338 was expanded to an area containing storage of SCP-█████.


1. This refers to the only cognitohazardous individual who made contact, which was Dr. ██████. Anyone who comes into direct eye contact with an individual found by this individual is to be detained and questioned for questioning. Any contact is considered an action hazard if the subject breaks off contact with the mind-affecting property.

2. Dr. ██████ was found by an unknown individual. SCP-338 has been found in numerous locations on and

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