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Item #: SCP-392

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The social media account "A Second Backdoor" is run by the Foundation in cooperation with the Government of Ohio, the former Republic of Ireland, and the United States government through the "Ohio and United States" division. The account is run by a foundation front company called "CoonTown" and was founded in 1920, by one Eric Yitchewich. At the time, the company was owned by the "California and Ohio" branch of the "Ohio and United States" branch of the following companies, all listed in chronological order of their formation.

The social media account is run by "Agent Smith of the Bureau of Technology" and is established in 1918, responsible for the maintenance of a domestic infrastructure project in Columbus, Ohio.

Users of the account may connect to a private server in the account's main office, which is run by a Foundation front company called "CmonTown." Agents assigned to the account post tweets and text messages to the account, including overt proclamations of the Foundation and the United States government against the Foundation.

Addendum #3: Human remains discovered near the American west coast

The following is a list of all known human remains found in the United States by SCP-392. All of these bodies were discovered in the immediate vicinity of SCP-392. A full list of causes of death and additional information can be found in Document #1377274.

Dr. █████ was found on a beach near ██████, Maine. He had collapsed in the middle of the ocean. She was also found. The third wave of SCP-392, Unit 6, was also found nearby, and had been secured. Agent █████'s body was recovered after he came into contact with SCP-392, and had died in [REDACTED]. One of the bodies found had an open mouth, pointing towards Agent ████████.

In order to find out more about the origins of SCP-392, and the eventual recovery of Agent █████, specimens of SCP-392-1 and -2 may be brought to Site-33 for testing. It is unknown what the original SCP-392-0 was.

Personnel assigned to SCP-392

Research Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ███████

Agent ████

Agent ██████

Agent ██████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████

Agent ██████████

Agent ███████

Agent ████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ████████

Agent ████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Agent ██████████

Document #1377274: Witness to Incident Log SCP-392

In an incident that occurred on November 14th, 2018, an individual was located at the ████████ Zoo in ███████, Ohio. The individual was found with trauma injuries consistent with extreme stress, and was administered Class-A amnestics. It was discovered that Agent ██████████ had taken the victim's body to Site-33 in the aftermath of the incident.

The video logs are available for viewing on file for reference.


1. A local slang term for the city of ███████.

2. a relative of horseshoe crab

animal animal tongue neutralized keter parasitic sapient scp sentient wooden

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