rating: +0+x

Item #: SCP-400

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation is aware of the actions of Dr. ██████ ████████ and are looking into his possible involvement in SCP-400.

Doctor ██████






Dr. ██████



































Incident logs from the father of SCP-400C: The father was killed in a car wreck on Highway █. Police were dispatched to the accident, and recovered SCP-400C. Doctor ██████ █████ was brought in to be interviewed. At around 02:00, the father himself began throwing SCP-400C at Foundation personnel, and the Foundation lost both SCP-400C and the man living inside it.

Notes: As of ██-██-██, a research staff of three has been hired for SCP-400: Dr. ████████, Dr. ██████, and Dr. █████.

Doctor ████████







Dr. ████████
























Dr. ██████



















































page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.478345
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