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Item #: SCP-403

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-403 is to be kept in a standard containment chamber, with light fixtures provided upstairs to be able to see SCP-403 and/or other personnel. Personnel are not to view SCP-403 without the supervision of at least 3 personnel with Level 1 Clearance.

During testing SCP-403 is to be kept in an area intended for personal use, and should be kept in a room that is not accessible to direct observation. Personnel should not be present when testing is to take place.

Description: SCP-403 is a set of 3 notes written in various languages, and all contain lists of "gifts" that appear to correspond to various

personal goals, dreams, and desires.

SCP-403 appears to be a collection of 3 notes that are capable of a variety of psychic transmission and action, which was discovered at the ███ ██████ ████ ██████ █████ █ ████ art event.

SCP-403 contains an additional complete note describing SCP-403 as an "Four-Piece-Oscillator", which is absent from previous SCP-403 instances, despite being complete identical in both design and structure. Listed along with this note are the following members:

SCP-403's system of words is similar to the Acapephala collective noun group origami.

SCP-403 apparently requires almost the entire body to be covered, with some of the first examples of this being the "handles" of SCP-403.

Addendum 1:

The Foundation has been unable to locate any other anomalous content by conducting this test.

The following personnel were found in SCP-403 with all 3 notes in front of them in a random order:

Dr. █████ ██████, Dr. ████████, Dr. ████████, Dr. ████████, Dr. ████████, Dr. ████████.

Addendum 2:

Without SCP-403 incapable of transmitting communication between objects, they were all given various names and personalities and SCP-403 was ordered to perform its tasks like this:


Dr. ████████:

Dr. ████████:

Dr. ████████:

Dr. ████████:

Dr. ████████:

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Dr. ████████:

Dr. ████████:

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.483472
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