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Item #: SCP-041

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-041 is to be kept in standard humanoid containment cell, to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. Personnel employed by the Foundation are to use SCP-041 for research sites. SCP-041 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell whose walls are of ultra-high quality glass. SCP-041 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell characterized by a large window in the ceiling. SCP-041 is to be maintained in a 1.1 meter by 1.1 meter by 1.1 meter enclosure measuring at least 2 meters in width. SCP-041 is to be supplied with a standard standard Foundation environmental suit for use in SCP-041's containment cell.

Description: SCP-041 is a male human who has its right arm and prosthetic hand (injured by fire, be it other accidental damage or circumstances) covered in thick, leather-wrapped skin. The skin of SCP-041's forearm is clay-like, similar to that of domestic goats, both in consistency and color. SCP-041 has a partially obscured eye, a long, curved, iridescent green-black eye, and a long, crescent-shaped, Abdominal Heart. SCP-041 displays no abnormalities beyond the deterioration of its hands and arms over time, and has expressed over the course of its containment at least 225 hours of normal human lifespan.

SCP-041 develops biochemical reactions, which produce a variety of life-sustaining compounds in a control environment. These compounds are markedly different from life-sustaining chemicals in the environment, and all other SCP-041 specimens have been shown to contain contaminants which research teams have noted as "unusually bizarre" or "opportunistic." They are usually carcinogenic or actively toxic. In the case of SCP-041-J, a handful of unnatural chemicals, including hair-breaker regurgining and cigarette engines, is observed to be being absorbed by the outer skin layers of SCP-041 within five hours of exposure, and thus imperceptible to the skin of SCP-041, although these effects persist for the duration of SCP-041's life. A few of these substances are explicitly carnivorous.

This anomalous biological reaction is catalyzed by the anomalous properties of SCP-041's skin. Small sections of SCP-041's flesh are actively absorbed within the digestive system of SCP-041. This absorption occurs in an accelerated process in the absence of any input, while the large intestine of SCP-041 is entirely dry zone, necessitating the continued intake of water and other unhealthy substances. The amount of fluid used for absorption of "feed chemical compounds" numbers in the tens of millions, but it is only limited by the ability of SCP-041's intestines to retain moisture; however, this fluid is rapidly regenerating; this process necessitates a constant flow of fluids through the small intestine of SCP-041, which keeps the entire body hydration and oxygen content equal to that of the large intestine.

This meridian of sacral-occipital pressure allows SCP-041 to grow and grow a mass of multiple organs. Two of SCP-041's circulating organs—the liver and kidneys—have lungs that are connected to a large shock-tube chamber, which allows the both of these organs to pass air from the digestive tract of SCP-041 into a dilated, activated vat. This air can then be converted into a chemical solution that terrifies and kills the digestive system of other JPs. As a result, under circumstances conducive to normal human development, this process will almost instantly begin.

This process has allowed Foundation scientists and other researchers to study SCP-041's anomalous properties, and some unconventional scientific theories have been proposed. In this context, wild theories exist as to whether SCP-041's life may be inherently anomalous or if certain schemes of life induction are all in error, excepting the case where SCP-041's life extends infinitely.

The appendix of SCP-041's stomach's organ system is in such a state as to allow it to grow a full stomach. The appendix is sprouted from the surface of the abdomen of SCP-041, which contains an identical funnel-shaped organ. Various other organs, such as the liver, lungs, kidney, and pancreas, are also present throughout the anus, forming an organic structure similar to that of the stomach. The organs are a complex assemblage of structures, with larger organs including the gallbladder, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, kidney, and bladder.

The stomach is located at the very base of SCP-041's abdomen, under the epidermis, and contains a large pouch, composed mainly of elastin and the fiber tissues of the stomach. It is visible in any living specimen of SCP-041's, and is approximately four meters high.

Long-term isolation of

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