Item #: SCP-458
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-458 is hidden in a standard humanoid containment cell at SCP-458's Lair. Foundation agents are to patrol the perimeter at all times to remove any instances of SCP-458-1.
A volume of 5.3m should be kept in the room for SCP-458-1 instances to remain, where they are to be monitored. In the event of an active instance of SCP-458-1, Agent █████ is to be informed and to immediately initiate lockdown.
Description: SCP-458 is a humanoid sapient, living, humanoid porcelain doll, originally designed to be worn by females and children, with non-anomalous abilities. It was initially believed that the entity was capable of speech and manipulation, with the exception of its ability to speak "rainy words", which were extranormal.
SCP-458-1 was discovered in the basement of an abandoned property in ████████, Long Island on ██/██/20██, after its owner gave the Foundation a three-leaded Locket during a homicide, which he was later determined to not have been involved in the crime. Foundation agents using pheromones had no effect on SCP-458-1, and its anomalous properties were already being known by the time Agents were alerted to the property. Once agents secured the property, it was discovered that no recent reports of an active instance of SCP-458-1 could be found.
Upon Foundation containment and containment of SCP-458, the entity was discovered to have several minor anomalous properties, and has been disabled as of ██/██/20██.
Document SCP-458-1A
Claim #: 04/19/20██
Civilian reports of noise in the distance. Agent ████ monitoring the house.
Room is empty.
Agent ████: "Silver bird, please, come in, please."
Silver bird: "A Silver-colored bird. Like a copper bird. Very…"
Agent ████: "What color is it?"
SCP-458-1: "A Silver-colored Bird. Not very."
Agent ████: "Why?"
SCP-458-1: "I am a Silver-colored bird. It is not very obvious, but it is not a Silver-colored bird. I do not have to be very nice to it – not even friendly."
Agent ████: "This is not going to be fun!"
SCP-458-1: "Some people would like me to be nice to it. I would rather not be nice to it, but I am a Silver-colored bird."
Agent ████: "Oh, dear god, I drove it away!"
SCP-458-1: "No. It is fine. I am a Silver-colored bird. Its name is Silver-colored. I am a bird."
Agent ████: (Concerned) "What's that?"
SCP-458-1: "I am a Silver-colored Bird. Some people would like to be friendly with me. I would prefer to be more responsible, so they could be in the room with me. I do not want to be alone, so I would prefer not to be doing chores."
Agent ████: "So, what does your plumage look like?"
SCP-458-1: "I am a Silver-colored bird. Some people would like me to be friendly with them. I would prefer not to be in the room with them. They would prefer not to be alone, so they could be in the room with me."
Agent ████: "Is that a single bird?"
SCP-458-1: "Yes. There is a single bird in the room."
Agent ████: "It's a dragon. Is it pretty?"
SCP-458-1: "Yes. I am a Silver-colored bird. Some people would like me to be friendly, and some people would prefer not to be in the room with me. I would prefer not to be in the room with them, so they could be in the room with me too. They do not want to be alone in the room."
Agent ████: "But…does those people really want to be friends with you?"
SCP-458-1: "No! They are friends with me! Their friendship is so important! They are friends with me! I am not friends with them!"
Agent ████: "What do you mean, 'friendship is so important'?"
SCP-458-1: "Friendship is so important! They are friends with me! Friendship is so