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Item #: SCP-504

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: As of 6/12/2007, SCP-504 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site-38's appropriate humanoid containment wing. The proposed placement for SCP-504 at Site-38-A is to be recalibrated in order to correspond with the paradigm of its anomalous abilities.

MTF Gamma-5 (aka "Rise of the Citadel") is tasked with recruiting SCP-504 for use as a Foundation asset. Subjects who have been affected by SCP-504 are permitted to apply to participate in an experiment with SCP-504. With the express approval of the Ethics Committee, SCP-504 is to be returned to its original cell for research purposes.

Any affected persons or entities are to be kept in the site apartment. No more than three MTF volunteers may be in the same room at any given time.

On 6/12/2007, KTE-597/tvªs-containment expanded to include Language Science Center-7-Theater. This expansion, as well as the addition of the SCP-504-parent containment procedures will take place on 7/12/2007.

Description: SCP-504 is a humanoid with pale orange hair, blue eyes and a red cosmological motif.

SCP-504 has been observed traveling through the top of a result page as it enters a result page by scraping past all fixed contents. However, upon it dies the page will collapse into a black hole, which remains for the duration of the current page.

SCP-504 will start to work at this exact moment when the page will collapse and even continue to work until the next page is created. It will only continue work when at this exact moment.

SCP-504 has the ability to exercise any of the following abilities:

•Automatic Translation:

•Channeled Immortality:


•Vital Energy:

•Time Sodexy Hallucinogenic:

SCP-504 has also shown the ability to create portals to other pages and pages of authors as well as being able to teleport objects back to their earliest known location and ready for use again in situations where it can no longer do so (e.g. stopping to find a location with no internet).

SCP-504 has also had the ability to easily give explaination of different abilities to other pages over the course of a single page or article.

Addendum 503.4: Foundation Headquarters

SCP-504's predecessor is the SCP-503 Foundation Headquarters. It is constructed in the Neo-Ulamalutian city of Mount Adytum and is most frequently used as a Foundation office. However, as Foundation Headquarters is located in a Neo-Ulamalutian city (meaning that SCP-504 first reached before the Neo-Ulamalutian city was built up) and it is located in a Neo-Ulamalutian region, it should be treated accordingly.

The SCP-503 Foundation Headquarters is commonly categorised into four primary sections:

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - the Foundation HQ and Site-38

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504's containment-fallout

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

Foundation Headquarters is split into four main sections:

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504 itself

•Foundation HQ - ElderStaff

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

Foundation Headquarters is split into four main sections:

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

Foundation Headquarters is split into three main sections:

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters is divided into two main sections:

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters is divided into two main sections:

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation HQ - SCP-504-parent containment

The SCP-504 Foundation Headquarters is divided into four main sections:

•Foundation Lobby - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Headquarters - SCP-504-parent containment

•Foundation Office - SCP-504-parent containment

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