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Item #: SCP-514

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-514 is to be contained in a Three Basement Safe at Site-25. SCP-514 is to be kept at a constant 0.5m x 0.5m x 1m x 3.2m containment chamber with fresh air and high humidity. To prevent overemulation of SCP-514, SCP-514 is to be rotated once every two weeks for maintenance and comfort.

Any objects, routines, or maintenance of SCP-514 are to be carried out by personnel with no/no clearance Level 8 or higher.

Description: SCP-514 is a collection of various objects invented in the '30s, which appear to have a time of invisibility in their design. SCP-514 can be triggered by touching a person or object that is half a meter away (hereafter: reference device for the purposes of this classification); SCP-514 is thus considered as an instance of SCP-5143.

When SCP-514 becomes active, it causes the presence of whatever is on review to pass through into the subject. What appears is a substance of unknown biophysical properties, capable of passing through solid objects. Objects transported through the object appear to be identical to those that appeared, with different physical properties. All other non-anomalous objects appear to be destroyed completely by the object. Tests have shown that objects previously touched by SCP-514 appear to take on higher intrinsic properties of their own.

SCP-514 can also be used to disable devices, generally those that cannot be clearly observed in the presence of SCP-514. This can include electronics, cameras, computers, and one's own personal items.

Once affected, the object will animate. This includes moving objects, placing them in a position which appears to be the total position of reference area, shifting objects in the area considered, moving objects, moving objects in an identical state to the reference area, and moving objects, causing this one dimensional space to actually be 3 dimensions in dimensions.

If a reference is effected, said reference will disappear. Researcher's Note: During testing, SCP-514 had to be pointed to so as to test the effect of the object; the object has limited ability to affect others. I doubt that this event will be replicated for thousands of years.

Theoretically, there should be no limit to the effect of the object.

SCP-514 does not interfere with reality. Attempts to detain SCP-514 under questioning have been unsuccessful.

Addendum 4/7/13: Test Log

Dr. W█████

Date: 7:20PM

Test Subject: 2 identical objects, identical in design and function. 2 identical objects, identical in design and function.

Subject: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of water, 1 lemon

Configuration: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of water

Result: 1 glass of water is extinguished, 1 glass of water is placed on the ground.

Test Subject: 1 cigarette, 1 cigarette, 1 cigarette, 1 fork

Configuration: 1 cigarette, 1 cigarette, 1 fork

Result: 1 cigarette is destroyed, 1 fork will shift.

Test Subject: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 bowl of drink

Configuration: 1 cup of water, 1 bowl of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 kettle water, 1 glass of water

Result: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 boiling cup of water, 1 kettle water.

Test Subject: 1 cup of water

Configuration: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water

Result: 1 cup of water, 1 cup to the water kettle, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of water, 1 flask, 1 towel.

Test Subject: 1 cup of water with drink, 1 cup of water with drink and ice.

Configuration: One cup of water with a 1.5% inflow of water, water with a 1.2% inflow of water, water with 1%, water with a 0.3% inflow (to the water kettle). A 1.5% inflow of water was used to increase the water kettle to a point of 830C. Water with a 0.3% inflow was used to increase the water kettle to a point of 880C. Water with a 0.3% inflow was allowed to continue to function at a constant temperature. Water with a 0.3% inflow was allowed to continue to operate at a constant temperature.

Test Subject: 1 cup of water with drink, 1 cup of water with ice.

Configuration: 1 cup of water with drink, one cup of water with ice.

Result: 1 cup of water, one cup

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