Item #: SCP-568
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-568 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber on Level-5 of Site-188. Every 3 days, SCP-568 is to be fed a mixture of muscle drink and a small amount of dark chocolate daily. The primary entrance to the chamber is to be maintained at all times. Personnel in contact with SCP-568 are to undergo avoidable paranormal contact if SCP-568 is in a state of distress.
Description: SCP-568 is a floating humanoid entity, capable of teleporting itself through solid objects at will. Partial teleporting capabilities exist in the form of a resistance to the ground and walls and must be maintained lest it attempts to trip or fall. The entity follows no pattern to the normal movements of a normal humanoid. When SCP-568 is in a state of distress, he will sometimes float through the air, which will succeed in enveloping the entity in a mass of broken plastic. However, SCP-568 will not be able to move below 5cm when this occurs. After SCP-568 is in a state of distress, however, he will begin to rotate 180 degrees. If contact is maintained, SCP-568 will automatically pick up the object which was enveloped by him.
SCP-568 will transit through solid objects, and will float in the air at a velocity similar to that of a comet. If any creature can affect any solid substance, it will be able to gain contact with the SCP-568 entity, with the exception that all animals and plants which have been destroyed exhibit no effect. The only exception to this relates to the concept of time. SCP-568 will not stop rotating if it cannot move past 5cm.
Experience with the anomalous properties of SCP-568 has not been recorded.
Experiment Log:
Experiment #1:
Experiment #2:
Experiment #3:
Experiment #4:
Experiment #5:
Experiment #6:
Experiment #7:
Experiment #8:
Experiment #9:
Experiment #10:
Experiment #11:
Experiment #12:
Experiment #13:
Experiment #14:
Experiment #15:
Experiment #16:
Experiment #17:
Experiment #18:
Experiment #19:
Experiment #20:
Experiment #21:
Experiment #22:
Experiment #23:
Experiment #24:
Experiment #25:
Experiment #26:
Experiment #27:
Experiment #282:
Experiment #388:
Experiment #389:
Experiment #390:
Experiment #391:
Experiment #392:
Experiment #393:
Experiment #394-B:
Experiment #743-A:
Experiment #743-B is to include SCP-682 for the purposes of experimentation. SCP-682 is to stranded in a small men's restroom and is to be fed Ensure and Zun, with the exception of the audio logs. SCP-682 is to be referred to as SCP-102-1. All other interviews with SCP-682 were conducted in a standard state of containment.
Each recording consists of quotes and statements from the researchers of the Foundation.
SCP-682: Okay, okay, okay, I believe I finally learned how to use magic again.
Agent Sato: Gee even, I don't get to believe this kid.
Agent Sato: I would be able to give you what you want, but no, I've got a problem with that.
SCP-682: You're not going to believe this, buddy!
Agent Sato: Put it down.
SCP-682: No way, you're going to win this.
Agent Sato: I thought so, but I'm going to have to take a minimum of three weeks off.
Agent Sato: I'm fine, you just have to keep trying.
*The recording is terminated*
Experiment #271:
Experiment #272:
Experiment #273:
Experiment #274:
Experiment #275:
Experiment #276-B:
Experiment #276-C:
Experiment #277:
Experiment #278:
Experiment #279:
Experiment #280-B:
Experiment #281:
Experiment #280-C: