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Item #: SCP-590

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-590 is contained in a formalized containment unit, constructed of standard 4m x 4m x 4m reinforced concrete, padded to fit SCP-590, and 20m wide by 30m high. SCP-590 is currently stored in Site-15 at Basic Research Sector-20.

Description: SCP-590 is a mannequin (originally made of English birch wood; it is structurally identical to the mannequin shown in SCP-590’s containment procedure). The SCP-590’s body is shaped by unknown means. The head is shaped by unknown means, but SCP-590’s entire body is contorted to resemble that of a humanoid humanoid. The "face" wears a large quantity of medical equipment including a lacerated esophagus, a punctured esophagus, and a surgical mask. SCP-590’s true body is anomalously shaped, and has an estimated circumference of approximately 20m by 30m. SCP-590 is separated from the rest of its containment unit by a completely inflated 4m x 4m x 4m glass wall. The environment of SCP-590 is entirely safe, with all personnel inside SCP-590 complaining of mild headaches. SCP-590 reflects its surroundings, and is protected by a shield of solid, opaque material (surprisingly large enough to deflect the heat and light in the area in which it is situated, and [REDACTED] damage if exposure is unavoidable). SCP-590 was discovered after reports of “past shadows” being spotted by a garden mower.

SCP-590 appears to be animate and is capable of speaking; however, the functionality of the voice is limited to its mimicry. The ability to speak is not apparent, and speech is impossible to hear. SCP-590’s assumed gender is male. SCP-590 is capable of creating large amounts of heat by creating continuous 'flames’ from its mouth, which slowly deactivate as SCP-590 cools. SCP-590 is capable of producing sounds of a low pitch (approximately 20Hz), that seem to be emanating from SCP-590’s nostrils. These sounds are identical to sounds any generic human can produce, but are completely alien to our language, having no natural instrumentation or musical content.

SCP-590's effect is only noticeable if the voice is directed at a human. If the target being is a human being, it will begin talking in a metallic voice, which is amplified by the microphone, at a rate of approximately 28dB per minute. The voice will sound creakier and more strained if the target is a subhuman living instance. The audio equipment within SCP-590 can also make vocalizations louder than the vocalizations made by SCP-590.

When a target is speaking to the SCP-590, the voice is constantly distorted by the microphones at the microphone. SCP-590 uses this, and after analyzing the recording, an explanation of the distortion is discerned. Audio equipment within SCP-590 will occasionally produce sounds that are atypical to the typical sounds made by similar instruments.

SCP-590 was given Class 3/590 isolation conditions.

Addendum: The following documents are found within the framing files of SCP-590.

•SCP-590-1: A handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-2: A letter signed by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-3: A letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-4: A handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-5: A handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-6 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-7 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-8 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-9 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-10 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-11 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-12 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-13 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-14 is an handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-15 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-16 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-17 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-18 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-19 is a handwritten letter written by SCP-590.

•SCP-590-20 is

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