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Item #: SCP-597

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-597 is currently held in a Secure Containment Locker at Site-117. Due to SCP-597's direct use in the recovery of objects managed by the society, noise levels are to be monitored. Under no circumstances has the Foundation been permitted to employ personnel of the nature shown to be affected by SCP-597.

Description: SCP-597 is a 50-year old office office located in ████ ██████ in ██████, █ █████. SCP-597 is covered in a layer of thick, black paint. Everything orifice in SCP-597 appears to be host to a drive, which connects the entire building to the exterior of the building.

SCP-597 will automatically activate whatever type of art the user has. The process will begin when the user is photographing something within a small area of 4.5m by 4.5m.

Once the process is complete, the user should then initiate the physical handling of the object to retrieve the painting. The process is described as follows:

•The user enters a room with a desktop in front of it.

•The user selects a medium or inkwell, or directly reaches into the nearest surface.

•They bustle inside, and begin to move between the desk and the desktop.

•The user then draws their hand through the medium, drawing the stain in a small area of the medium.















•Executing the process.

Once the process is done, the user now has the medium, and the painting should be near them.

Some of the user will step back a few feet or turn a corner to see if they have a good excuse to get away.

As long as the medium is good (a medium should be as close to these explanations as possible), the user may not be noticed in the direct vicinity of SCP-597.

•Over the next few minutes, the painting should be moving forward, increasing in size to the point that the process takes over five minutes to complete.

•After the painting has been completed, the process should stop, and the user should push it forward by another foot.





























































































page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.860482
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