rating: +0+x

Item #: SCP-649

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-649 is to be stored in a high-security storage locker at Site-██.

Description: SCP-649 appears to be a standard Eighth Edition D-Class Locker, with engraved with the Foundation standard of neutrality. The anomalous property manifests itself when SCP-649 is opened.

SCP-649 is partially transparent when SCP-649 is open. SCP-649 exhibits no effects outside of the anomalous properties, excepting these:

•SCP-649 has a blue lining.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring on each end.

•SCP-649 has a red stripe around the ring and sheet metal.

•SCP-649 has a red layer on the bottom top of the ring 'radiolow'.

•SCP-649 has a red lining.

•SCP-649 has a green lining.

•SCP-649 has a green ring.

•SCP-649 has a green sheet metal inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a yellow lining.

•SCP-649 has a yellow ring.

•SCP-649 has a gold lining.

•SCP-649 has a red lining.

•SCP-649 has a red sheet metal inside.

•SCP-649 has a red ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue lining.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring on the bottom surface.

•SCP-649 has a red sheet metal inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring on top of the ring, and a red sheet metal ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring on the top of the ring, and a red sheet metal ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring on the bottom surface.

•SCP-649 has a blue ring around the blue slot.

•SCP-649 has a white lining.

•SCP-649 has a white ring on top of the ring.

•SCP-649 has a yellow inner ring, and a yellow outer ring.

•SCP-649 has a red inner ring, and a red outer ring.

•SCP-649 has a yellow inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a red inner ring

•SCP-649 has a yellow inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a blue inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a red inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a green inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a green inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a green inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has a green inner ring, and a red outer ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been sealed with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been sealed with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been sealed with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been sealed with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been sealed with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring (actual ring)

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange inner ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with an orange outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with a blue outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with a blue outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with a blue outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with a blue outer ring.

•SCP-649 has been locked with a

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.961842
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