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Item #: SCP-065

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-065 is kept in standard SCP-standard high-security storage locker at Storage Sector-5. SCP-065 is to be kept in the center of its containment unit. Any reproductions of SCP-065 and related items are to be permanently sealed in standard high-security safe-deposit boxes and stored in secure storage at Site-██. Testing of SCP-065 is restricted to approved personnel only. SCP-065 is to be kept in high-security containment locker to prevent unauthorized reproduction. Testing of SCP-065 is to be conducted in a closed test chamber.

Description: SCP-065 is a black reproduction of a Trumpeter lemon chandelier. SCP-065 is edible by humans, it does not have any effect on non-human animals, and has no effect on animals of any kind.

Anomalously, SCP-065 can be made of any material. However, SCP-065's anomalous properties arise in any material used to decorate it. The materials that are used to make SCP-065 are immediately transformed into SCP-065 as long as SCP-065 is in a closed test chamber. This effect persists indefinitely.

In addition, SCP-065 has an effect on all surfaces made of SCP-065. Thus, the effects of SCP-065 on any surface to be illuminated by SCP-065 as well as all textures and colors except for the skin and eye color of SCP-065 are identical. Effect of SCP-065 on the skin of any other species is identical as well, although the textures and colors of SCP-065 are a different technique than that of any other species of man. This effect does not apply, however, to liquids, such as water.

SCP-065 is also effective in developing a visual acuity sufficient enough to cut through any visible forms of light. All humans have been shown to be capable of seeing SCP-065 as it is in its closed test chamber. D-5586 was able to draw an object from front to back according to instructions given to him. Other D-Class have been shown examining SCP-065's magnificant borders.

SCP-065 is highly resistant to all forms of light and is only detectable through light. SCP-065 is also extremely resistant to all forms of light. The effect of SCP-065 on humans is unknown.

Recovered Data File: SCP-065\recovery

Addendum 65-5: SCP-065's recovery and containment

Affected Content: SCP-065-1: SCP-065\recovery


Further information

SCP-065 is to be kept in a standard high-security Safe-deposit box at Storage Sector-5 to prevent unauthorized production. Any reproductions of SCP-065 and related items are to be permanently sealed in standard high-security safe-deposit boxes and stored in secure storage at Site-██.

Description: SCP-065 is a black replica of the Trumpeter lemon chandelier. Despite its appearance, a small vial of SCP-065 is in SCP-065's containment unit. SCP-065's anomalous properties exist in any material used to decorate SCP-065’s containment unit. However, SCP-065's anomalous properties occur in any material that has received the same treatment no fewer than three times.

Different materials undergo different effects depending on the procedure performed. This effect persists indefinitely and is not permanent.

Recovered Data File: SCP-065\recovery

Addendum 65-6: Re-Educational Activities

Another security level of SCP-065's containment unit is designed in response to the goals of re-educational appeal and advertising.

Additional stipulated by the SCP-065 administration:

•Recruits that receive re-education courses that focus on the visual acuity and organ function of the human heart are to receive the same orientation system of arousal and pain for their entire lives.

•After 12 months of education, SCP-065 is to be given a sterile surgical harvesting system to monitor organ function.

Closer attention is required for young children.

Around the time of the D-Class Removal project, this containment unit was designed with several devices designed to monitor adults' levels of exercise.


Last edited by the O5 Council.

Name: Dr. David Harken.

Personnel Designation: Researcher. Type: Very Strong

Date of Birth: 04 July 1954

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 200cm

Weight: 120kg

Height build: 180cm

Weight: 40kg

Club: 99th New York Nationals.

Favorite color: Ivory.

Biography: Harken spent most of his career as an osteologist, and teaching Andrews University's advanced physics

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