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Item #: SCP-667

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-667 is to be contained on the sixth floor of [REDACTED] for observation and research purposes. MTF Nu-07 ("Hunting") has been established to dispose of SCP-667-1, in order to prevent SCP-667-2 using it.

SCP-667-1 instances are to be released into the wild with SCP-667-2 in order to prevent the spread of SCP-667-2's anomalous properties (see Addendum 2.3.i).

Description: SCP-667 is a rusted metal table and a spoon-shaped apparatus, apparently dating from the late 19th century. SCP-667 is made of steel and filled with a thick red viscous fluid. The liquid near the top of the apparatus is consistent with all known forms of mummification metrics considered within the Foundation's knowledge.

When SCP-667-1 is moved to SCP-667, it becomes visible and appears as a living, living entity. SCP-667-1 normally remains inert, and does not move from SCP-667 for long periods of time. ████ instances of SCP-667-1 have been discovered, all of which were believed to be dead for unknown reasons.

SCP-667-2 will appear within SCP-667-1 within three minutes of movement. Communication with SCP-667-2 will be impossible, and will only cease in two minutes of movement. Death will also be instantaneously.

The only results resulting effect SCP-667-2 has is the unbroken continuity of the liquid inside the apparatus. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. It is believed that SCP-667-2 emerges from the surface of the black substance wielded by SCP-667-1, and drifts around SCP-667-2 until it enters SCP-667 or the universe.



The following is an audio recording of a conversation between SCP-667-2, SCP-667-1, and Agent ███.

SCP-667-2: Good morning Agent.

Agent ███: Keep your head down, Agent.

SCP-667-2: It's hard for me to tell you this, Agent. I think it's better if I don't tell you, but I'm here. Your blood pressure has been dropping lately, Agent.

Agent ███: We'll remove the thing from your head, Agent. We've removed the containment.

SCP-667-2:Tell me what should you do?

Agent ███: We got a better idea. We want you here.

SCP-667-2:I feel it!

Agent ███: Come with us, Agent.


Researcher: SCP-667-2, done.

SCP-667-2: I think this is the end of the world!

Agent ██: I don't think so, Agent. There's still something dangerous happening.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, go continue the conversation.

SCP-667-2:I want you in our world.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.


Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.


Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.


Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: SCP-667-2, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Please continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation.

Researcher: Researcher, continue the conversation

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