Item #: SCP-722
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-722 is to always be handled with consideration given to the object's delicate nature. Access is limited to authorized personnel. SCP-722 is to be kept in a secure room with containing a chemical-free smoke detector, a sensor array for its internal logic, and a primary on/off switch. Under no circumstances should SCP-722 come into contact with human skin.
Description: SCP-722 is an ordinary wooden lamp sealed up by a 2mm holder.
SCP-722's anomalous effect manifests when it is used in a manner with human skin on it. When SCP-722 is used in a manner that causes it to be run over by a large amount of force, SCP-722 will enter its irreversible state. The body parts within the lamp will become its own anomalous "self" in a manner that is both aesthetically attractive and physically impossible.
As SCP-722's lifespan is short, any objects placed within a thirty-meter radius will take damage from its ability to kill, neutralize, or absorb human life. Objects on surfaces will be transformed, even surfaces as slick as those produced by SCP-722 (see Addendum 722-k). Pre-existing sculptures, music, etc. will become anomalous. Objects placed within a radius of SCP-722 will also change to the effect of SCP-722. The effect will result in the entire body transforming into a specific lifeform. Due to the nature of the transformation, lifeforms will take longer to transform, but the transformation itself is instantaneous. SCP-722's transformation is temporarily reversible when the object is removed from the article.
Drop of blood will regenerate as normal. The body parts of all lifeforms within a radius of SCP-722 undergo Addendum 722-d, and the eyes and mouth will undergo the same process. The end result will be freezing temperatures, however, the transformation will not take place if the object is moved within a fifteen-meter radius of SCP-722.
The body will continue to regenerate and deplete rapidly until the body parts that weren't transformed become manifest at the same time as SCP-722, before the body parts begin to transform into the "self."
Addendum 722-7:
*Special Containment Procedures: Due to the fact that SCP-722 is established from the body parts of lifeforms, any damage done by the transformation will not fire upon the area designated. Lifeforms within a radius of SCP-722 will become the bodies of previously transformed objects around them, such as the stone/metal/annualminefield sculptures that were constantly transformed into the bodies of lifeforms near SCP-722.
*Addendum 722-8
*Special Containment Procedures: SCP-722 cannot be moved for any purpose.
*Addendum 722-9
*Bonus Value:
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*Bonus Value:
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*Bonus Value:The value of the bonus is proportion to the damage done.
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