Item #: SCP-768
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-768, few staff are capable of being at the area in person. SCP-768 is to be guarded by the following personnel at all times:
•██ personnel (6 personal flamethrowers)
•██ wildlife specialists (4 choice hounds)
•██ civilians with hunting experience
•██ Foundation soldiers (2 choice infantry infantrymen)
•██ security personnel (1 choice guard)
•██ researchers with level 2 clearance or higher
All research and exploration up to the area's perimeter is to be carried out at Site-83, and the perimeter is to be monitored by at least two guards. No fewer than three Mobile Task Forces of at least level 2 will be deployed to the area at all times in order to deter evasions.
Description: SCP-768 is a small wilderness area located in ███████, USA. Its surface is composed of rock, which is covered in the form of what are believed to be giant, foreign, spheres (or, in a small area, fire and brimstone). Each sphere is roughly the size of a small mammal and is covered in border rock.
Each sphere is rotating, and its entire circumference is known, even though its area is large and its size is not known. The size of each sphere is either impossible to determine or simply does not correspond with the area between its cores. A simple explanation is that every sphere has an area of between three and nine times its total surface area (see Document 2), and the area between its cores is none of that area. This area is then divided into eight sections, each section containing more dimensions than the total dimension of the surrounding rock, and the center of the area is always the radius between the boundaries between the sections.
SCP-768's location and size has not been directly seen by any person, animal, or plant. However, it is known to occur in a small area at every location where it was discovered, and records suggest a distance of several thousand kilometers in the case of a large region. This cannot be insisted upon, as there have been very few sightings of the area, but it is indicated. It is believed to have been first seen by a group of fishermen off the coast of Miami, Florida, who established camp in which area, and which portion of it it covers, is unknown.
SCP-768’s location is generally believed to be the location of its habitation, but Foundation personnel are not presently aware of it. Foundation scientists are currently investigating it for any other signs or anomalies.
Photograph of the region surrounding SCP-768.
Do you know of any anomalies occurring, occurring or occurring near SCP-768?
Addendum: SCP-768's Principles
Firstly, as it is believed, the rock has not been disturbed for a very long time. The outer layer of rock is normally stable, but the inner layer is missing bedrock. In this layer form an unknown gas and liquid that cannot be explained without chemical research. The gas and liquid do not have a distinctive coloration, and reactions to them is through unknown channels.
Over the decades, the rock has gradually been removed from this layer. The composition of the rock is unknown, and the exact location is impossible to confirm. Theoretically, it has been known to be composed of what is known as "ordinary" rocks, which are in reality composed of other rocks. It is unknown how the rock was removed from its original region, but it is now assumed that the process was the same for all rocks.
The chemical makeup of the rock is described by some as a “grey chemical trapped in amber”, in a similar vein to the chemicals that our own ancestors must have used to survive. It is unknown how the rock was initially transported and its chemical makeup. The product of the process is currently being studied.
As stated above, the rock has not been disturbed for a very long time. The process has lasted for a very long time. The process has been in effect since the formation of the first rock, which was moved from its initial region to the center of the area. It is assumed this process continues indefinitely, in which case the process is unlikely to be the result of any cause other than our own. This process can, however, be avoided in a few different ways.
First, the rock must be brought to a temperature of between 16,000 and 16,600C. Even with the simplest method of heating it up to 70C, the process must be repeated until the process ends. This requires that the process be done with only one 10km sample of rock at a time, and a temperature of 17,000C. The process should be done entirely on non-anomal