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Item #: SCP-078

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-078 is to be kept in a standard safe-class container. Testing of SCP-078 is to be conducted only with direct, written permission from Level 7 or higher personnel.

Discovery: SCP-078 was discovered on █-th-██-1984 in ███████ Candy Corporation's storage wing. Over the weekend, the company's anomalous stockpile of these candies reached full capacity. Its effects are currently unknown, as the candy is identical to any other variety except for its anomalous properties.

Some say that SCP-078 is valuable. Others, however, do not agree. Some say that all those who have seen it are ghosts, or others say that it is a beautiful piece of art, while others say it is a cruel joke. In either case, it has produced its own merchandise.

Description: SCP-078 is an unbranded plastic candy cake with a design resembling a chocolate cup. The product is not composed of sugar or other carbonating substances, instead, of a single baked egg that has been ground into a smooth paste.

Here's the recipe:


2. Superfine rice flour

3. a few standard flour

4. 1 egg

5. 1 teaspoon boiling water

6. 1 cup sugar

7. 1 cup egg

8. a pound of powdered sugar

9. 1 cup instant mashed potatoes

10. 1 cup instant corn starch

11. 1 cup diced onions

12. 1 cup chopped sweet potatoes

13. 1 cup sliced carrots

14. 1 cup of pancetta

15. 1 cup of mashed potatoes

16. 1 cup of spinach

17. 1 cup of sweet corn

18. 1 cup of corn

19. 1 cup of mashed potatoes

20. 1 cup of corn

21. 1 cup of corn

22. 3 cups of whole-milk chocolate-chip cookie

23. 1 teaspoon butter

24. 1 tablespoon butter

25. 1 cup of whole-milk chocolate-chip cookie

26. 1 teaspoon butter

27. 2 teaspoons butter

28. 1 teaspoon butter

29. 5 teaspoons butter

30. 1 pound of cinnamon

31. 1 pound of brown sugar, pureed

32. 1 pound of corn

33. 1 pound of cocoa

34. 1 pound of grape

35. 1 pound of glycerine, pureed

36. 1 pound of suspendense

37. 1 pound of sugar

38. 1 pound of sugar

39. 1 pound of sugar-coated sugar

40. 1 pound of sugar

41. 1 pound of sugar-coated (non-anomalous) chocolate

42. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

43. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

44. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

45. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

46. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

47. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

48. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

49. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

50. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

51. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

52. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

53. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) chocolate

54. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) Chocolate

55. 1 pound of sugar-coated (anomalous) cake

56. an 80-page document AND 1 post

57. A costume contest for the New York Sketchbook Contest

58. This, this isn't real

59. 1,294 sparrows

60. 1,000 fish

61. I dunno you don't

62. Aive you guys

63. 1-8, help me get #1

64. Aime me

65. Nahnawarm

66. I won't eat for a while

67. 3-box

68. Cat's in the Cradle

69. A Guy and his Dungeon Glass

70. My layout

71. This is a pretty large sample of SCP files

72. 1019

73. A project I'm working on

74. I found these three timpies, and how to make a timpied calculator

75. The sperm fairy

76. I'm thinking of writing something

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