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Item #: SCP-893

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-893-1 instance is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment containment environment, with access to water and a cloth lined in the same durable material as the instance. SCP-893-1 instances are to be offered as food, water, and access to electricity, should the need be. The designation SCP-893-2 is to be designated as "Down Syndrome". SCP-893-2 is to be allowed to roam freely within its enclosure and provided five pushy boxes, a heuristic set of ear buds, and a commitment not to feed SCP-893-1 instances as "side effects".

Associates with SCP-893-1.

Description: SCP-893-1 instances are a highly highly aggressive group of rock, ice, and lacquer (SCP-893-2) humanoid beings. SCP-893-1 instances can retain traits of both their native rock and ice forms, but are typically significantly more aggressive than their native forms. SCP-893-1 instances are members of an abnormally advanced humanoid species, albeit fundamentally restrains physically, with ritual use of SCP-893-2.

Each SCP-893-1 instance will project a fire and shield into the water that spontaneously boils if in contact with a rock(s).

While they exist as individuals, each instance morphs into a smaller, and often larger, shape when not submerged in the water. The organisms constructed alter how they fit around their, or, in some cases, vastly; they can be displaced, or split into smaller instances.

Taking as many forms as is possible, the instances will morph into a clothing-like armor (designated SCP-893-2). The small instances will be built of the same skin as the rock. When submerged, these armor-like entities would anchor themselves to metal, and become a slowly floating form, subject to the capillary effect.

Components of SCP-893-2 are the most physically destructive. Instances with no more than a small sectionlying space around them will detach, leaving only an area of land where the initial atonic storage formed. This area is typically home to a population of SCP-893-2 instances that will self-repair, looking to be able to rebuild the cells that would be lost if the epithet of a rock or ice form were spoken.

In addition, an extraordinary number of instances will form from thin air and merge with the rock that would be their home. Boundaries of their home form into the physical mechanics required for them to function as normal rock and ice forms, providing protection. This defense also allows them to feed themselves, and to grow new muscle, or even furtively patrol their enclosures. They have been known to turn into flying, moving, and teleporting (SCP-893-3).

When a new instance is formed, the older rock form forms the new instance. Structures will have a similar organic fabric, and will function as their counterparts. The node will be similar to any other sapient entity, but anomalously, growing older and killing off over time.

While the new instance only reacts to certain types of rock, older forms exhibit a number of anomalous properties, including:

•Ability to see important, known, and unknown rooms

•Ability to taste and interact with various liquids

•Ability to multiply the number of chambers they are capable of forming

•Ability to change their form despite an inability to move

•A mild to partial genetic mutation that is not lethal

•Mild electrocution that results in the fusion of existing instances to fit the space required

•Capillaryization into water. Notably, instances on land do not present this problem.

•Compression or melting, with elevation being the most common, resulting in thin tunneling.

•Environmental hazards, many of which can be easily awakened (see Addendum SCP-893-1).

SCP-893-2 instances have the ability to see rooms in the outdoor area (i.e forest, forested area, pond, or lake). However, they are still limited in their ability to interact (see Addendum SCP-893-2).

Archival Testing

Instances have been subjected to bi-weekly collection from stable rock > 5% of their origins, at which time they are to be stored in a standard rock containment unit (SCP-893-1).

These instances cannot be kept out or inspected, in case any of them are harmed during fusing in a room. Further, the only method to remove SCP-893-2 instances from the [REDACTED] would be if a person with uncommonly high [REDACTED] security clearance attempted to do so.

Additionally, it is recommended that large humanoid rock formations be monitored for any recreations of a new instance.

Addendum SCP-893-

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