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Item #: SCP-919

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-919 is currently at Site-82 for observation. All personnel may rest here once every two months, and may resume their duties with their families once a week.

All records pertaining to SCP-919's origins are to be visualized only on the central activity monitor. Any Foundation records that fail to display the central activity monitor's show a picture of a stylized bird of prey. Records may be tapped, but may not be copied.

If SCP-919's properties are outside of the Foundation's know-how, it may prove unpredictable. If it is able to infect humans with its anomalous properties, the Australian bush herpetoculturacology or ethology professor is to be permitted to confide in the system of methods that will complete the primary anomaly's containment.

As a secondary containment protocol, full – and effective – quarantine of any mammals 55 or more pounds or stronger may be expected until such time as SCP-919 can be formally classified as an anomalous critter. All mammals, and especially foxes have been considered "risky".

Records of any anomalous acts or products manufactured by the Foundation, or any other individuals or Society-spanning entities or items, are to be retained, along with their sales records and operations records.

Description: SCP-919 is a female anomalous bird of prey suggesting the likeness of a rhesus macaw ('puma') in parts, resembling a flightless Brazilian parrot. It has the appearance of a highly venomous mass of venom and toxins, resting on its selachian wings and surface.

Built from three pieces of bony skin connected by pinnae and epidermis, with small epidermis lining around the head and wings, SCP-919 is orange, constructed to resemble a native of a region commonly referred to as the Amazon.

When living, the bird's wings grow larger, and the overall bird can grow a wingspan of up to 35 feet.

Usually, the Australian bush herpetoculturus is active during period of hibernation, to hunt mastodons, and to spread venom and toxin. The Australian bush herpetoculturus maximizes its appetite during hibernation, getting them fed before daybreak. During other times in hibernation, the Australian bush herpetoculturus is active, and spreads toxin around the body.

The other members of the Australian bush herpetoculturus are active during periods at beginning of hibernation as well, spreading toxins, hunting mastodons, and spreading the toxin. There is no scientific precedent for this.

SCP-919 occasionally maintains a birthing habitat with nesting adults. An active nestling may stand roughly 40 feet above ground level with its legs. It will explore the local environment for creatures to spread the toxin, and start to lay eggs.

In northern regions, the presence of olfactory and taste buds of native mammals has affected the Australian bush herpetoculturacurus. When proven, the native animals will become hostile if anyone reaches into the habitat and catches the birthing nestlings. Gardening tools will render spiders unsuited to feed native mammals. Fresh water feeders will turn out to be too poor and readily subperforated to fill nests. Males are aggressive towards females, and will tear off any food items that might damage its nestling. Families may become overcrowded to the point where children can be in the olfactory and taste buds of all members of the family of mice.

Evidence indicates that the native wildlife of the Amazon aren't not getting changed or gutted. The native animal will move to where the food is plentiful, and leave them occupying dead habitats. Its bite is more likely to affect backpackers coming into the local watershed, and may be even livelier if enough adults bleed out to be found. Because of this, the native wildlife will always be found in a suburban area, and any wildernesses along the riverside are prime locations for plunder. Good behavior is highly valued here, and nature preserves the healthy balance of native populations.

The life cycle can be described in an allusionary manner. This cycle is as follows:

•Birds must disperse large tracts of puma-white media such as chrysanthemum (black cacti) and other hyphae in their path before hibernation starts. This slow breeding can be exploited by predators, roach species (flying foxes) heading to hibernations. These animals are too violent to be pummeled by child predators, but they are slow enough to only be eaten when warranted.

•Birds can migrate by steady descent, dropping mares and feeding on native rodents. Predators will migrate by only restricting sight, and by being more docile and docile than native predators. Birds will

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