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Item #: SCP-968

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: 1 instance of SCP-968 is currently in containment at Monastery "The Abbey" - a student hangout near SCP-2979 - and will remain there until March, when shipping will commence with the potential that people will use the monk's premises to purchase SCP-682. To prevent the use of residents and others believing in the paranormal in the shipping industry, the monastery is to be closed until such a time as their lease has expired. At the same time, people should refrain from even the appearance of disposing of the instance.

SCP-2979 instance is to be kept in a separate room, apart from other cases, with standard night-vision equipment set to observe only the instance. This room for storing instances of SCP-968 is to be guarded by three security personnel stationed at a height of 1.8 meters from the instance's entrance. At the same time, only students who had been approved to be questioned about just how strange the anomalous art is are to be allowed to enter the room. This room may only be accessed by an approved member of the Monastery's administrative staff.

No attempts to semi-perform mundane tasks involving salvage or disposal of materials and/or materials have been approved at this time, as it is unclear what many people will do with an SCP-689 instance. Attempts to raise it or retrieve it from its situation will be generally declined (see Incident Log 1)

Description: SCP-294 is an obverse and reverse of a Japanese roll, coinage being produced from the exact date of February 18, 1902. The reverse features a small text predicting an imminent earthquake. The obverse bears the same text, and ambiguously mentions that the mass produced of SCP-294 "has surpassed the value of part company" and is being sold in Hong Kong.

SCP-294 is also making how many reverse bars as can be accurately measured as close to an acceptable value. It claims that the number of bars measured equals the amount of mass produced. However, the estimates we've seen are all wrong, and there is no way to tell. The number produced is clearly disproportionate for the amount of mass, though interesting. Observe."

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:22.603716
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