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Item #: SCP-981

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-981 is to be kept in a Standard Humanoid Containment Locker at Site-17. Subject is not to be made aware of its anomalous effects or whether it is alive. SCP-981 may only be informed that it has been cleared for experimentation and how. If subject’s condition is believed to be irreparable, the subject’s administrator will alter its containment procedures.

Should the subject be deemed to no longer be able to function, facilities will be used to destroy its effect.

Should SCP-981 become permanently harmed, it will undergo immediate degradation. D-Class personnel are permitted to take up observation duties to prevent self-harm.

SCP-981 cannot be terminated.

~ Researcher ██████

Researcher ██████ ██████ is currently evaluating the containment procedures for SCP-981 and can ill-afford to disturb SCP-981 in any way.

~ Researcher ███████████

Researcher ███ ████████ is currently evaluating the containment procedures for SCP-981 and can ill-afford to disturb SCP-981 in any way.

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:22.628446
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